FREE Zyrtec Fleece Blanket

Thanks a lot for this. I tried it and I got my blanket! Nice for being free and all.
just signed up for it and it didnt take me to a confirmation page so hope it gets here... how does ttp does it? thanx ttp
If by rap you mean wrap, I understand and agree whole-heartedly ;)

I'm still waiting, I don't guess anyone else has received theirs yet either?
just order a bunch of stuff in july and expect it in december. kinda like a x-mas gift to your self. i mean i orded a little kit a while ago and i got it just recently i totaly forgot about it, it was great.

but yeah still waiting for mine too.... TICK tock Tick TOCK
wow, this is the best freebie in a long time!


i would have froze this winter otherwise, lol :p
Thanks again TTP!

Am I the only one who actually takes Zyrtec each month? :)

Cost me $50 a month, they better send me one :mad:
It's been quite a while since I signed up and no blankee yet. I'm cold.

It says allow 6-8 weeks delivery and they no longer accept applications after dember 15.
O2Flow said:
Thanks again TTP!

Am I the only one who actually takes Zyrtec each month? :)

Cost me $50 a month, they better send me one :mad:
You are not alone, but it costs me $15/mo. <3 insurance :D
I signed up when this topic started.. I use zyrtec too sometimes.. I've given up hope.

...Unless I wake up on xmas mornign and its under the tree! The Zyrtec santa!

Fat chance that's happenin thou :/
mine never showed up and now im moved out of my apartment that it was gonna be sent to... so my roommate can have a nice warm blanket =(

And im moving to Detriot where its even colder =(
and it is cold here in detroit my friend.....16 right was -5 on christmas eve :)
I remember having signing up for this at least two month ago, and still haven't gotten the blanket yet.
yeah well, you win some and you lose some. There's a reason it's free, maybe next time
andy71600 said:
You have been assigned a unique promotion code, and if multiple surveys are received from the code, only 1 will be honored.
If TTP got it, and no one else, I think this is why.

Thanks anyway, TTP.
im hoping i have an answer to this...but then again it might just be a wild guess?

the promotion was ending on December 15, 2004 and it said to allow 4-6 weeks for delivery
is it possible they were waiting for the deadline to end and then send out the blankets
to everyone all at once that took the survey?

if so, we can expect the blankets around the end of january???

im hoping im right :confused:
to the ones that didnt get their little blanket,i saw on other sites where people were getting theirs,but they ran out,so the had to get some more,they will send them
Signed up on-line too, they also sent me a postcard in the mail (i take it) I received 1 blanket.
your not missing nothing, big box tiny blanket!!!!!!!!!!
Signed up soon after this thread was first started, still nothing, but then again its nothing new, I havent gotten ANYTHING else I signed up for in this form.... :eek:
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But winter is about over and a blanket's immediate usefulness has somewhat diminished.