Free rebates on "Feline Pine Cat Litter" - FAR


Jun 29, 2003

Guess you buy the product, download the rebate, and get it for free after rebate.

This is another NATURAL product (The manufacturer is "Natures Earth") so, if you are opposed to chemical kitty litter, this is for you.

It's F.A.R., so if you are one of the naysayers.. don't take advantage of it.
c0ex said:
It has to be completely free no cc's or rebates

Is there a sticky rule on this? I don't see an entry saying it can't be "Free after rebate"

There have been HUNDREDS of postings of "FAR" items here, that I've seen.

kernodle said:
Free stuff only noob ;)

Laforge points to his post count and join date.
This is another NATURAL product (The manufacturer is "Natures Earth") so, if you are opposed to chemical kitty litter, this is for you.

Normal cat litter is made from clay. You can't any more natural than dirt.
Thanks for the post Laforge. I don't need this stuff, but someone might. And for you that doesn't think this is a good deal...don't buy it. Simple enough. What's with the instant thread crapping lately?
Clay Cat Litter = Dirt = Toxic. Dust inhalation is known to kill people. Yay for kitties sucking it in while they kick it around in there.

Pine Cat Litter = A Pretty darned cool alternative. It's low track (at first). Big pellets of compressed pine shavings absorb liquid and decompose into a fine shake. Difficulty is that normal litter box cleaning methods aren't quite effective, since you have to clear out the shake, and not the solids. The pine is incredible at removing the odor, but it takes a bit longer than a normal chemically scented clay would.

I've tried Feline Pine, the silica stuff, and have been using clay litter for a while. Feline Pine kicks a lot of kitty poopoo ass (if you have a need to be into that sort of thing).
Just a heads up for you guys. Anyone into "pocket pets"? This stuff makes great bedding/litter for them. I had a "missing" :D lab rat for 2 years and she loved the pine bedding. It also works well for hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and mice. I assume it would work for others, but neither me nor the lab vet have had any other animals on the bedding.
Picked up a couple bags of this stuff, it works great dropped my processor temps at 6 C, and 15 C under full load!!! thanx poster
Socrilles17 said:
Picked up a couple bags of this stuff, it works great dropped my processor temps at 6 C, and 15 C under full load!!! thanx poster

To your smartassery.

We also have a section on here about fire-arms, automobiles, painting, music, and movies. Guess that's completely unrelated, too, eh?

[H]ard pet-ownership. Overclocked pets.

What's with the instant thread crapping lately?

Such is the way of this forum. I obviously received a complaint from someone that I was making too many threads, as KingKaeru, quite illogically, told me to consolidate them.

So, I guess I should have 25 disparate conversations about each free offer going on, rather than "a place for everything, and everything in it's place"
I don't have any money for a real present for my GF after my upgrade to the X2 4800 and 7800 GTX... :(

She has a cat though so she should be happy with this, perfect Christmas present for her :D
Cool deal. I have a friend who is a cat person, and they would love this.

Hvatum said:
She has a cat though so she should be happy with this, perfect Christmas present for her :D

Wow great Christmas present for your SO. Nothing more romantic then some cat litter. :rolleyes:
Nightrain said:
Cool deal. I have a friend who is a cat person, and they would love this.
Wow great Christmas present for your SO. Nothing more romantic then some cat litter. :rolleyes:

Maybe, but there's nothing less romantic than the smell of feces. That's just my and my GF's opinino though, tastes differ from person to person of course so nothing against you if like that smell.
My cat craps in the neighbors's yard.

But, winter's coming so I may just have to look into this.
Never use that shit made of the damned citrus fruit peels. It causes all kinds of trouble. My cat, Neko, got gunked up eyes from that stuff while it was supposed to be better and safer. It also grew mold in the bottom of the litter pan at an alarming speed.

Im-fucking-possible to sift, too!

The pine stuff isn't much better. Best to put a layer of pine on bottom with Tidy cat crystal and then fill with clay litter and top that off with more tidy cat crystals. Works like a charm.