Free portable DVD Player @ jcpenny. Expires 6/10


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 30, 2002
This is a a pretty cool deal, especially since I need a bunch of new work pants anyway :p
You basically just need to purchase $100+ worth of dockers stuff, pants, they have other crap I think, at jcpennys. They have a link to the details/form on their main page. Expires 6/10

You can see the specs on the player here

  • 8-Inch LCD Portable DVD Player
  • Super Clear Picture Full Screen Display
  • Pixel: 480 x 600
  • Super Anti-Shock
  • TV Receiver
  • Disk Format: DVD/SVCD/VCD/CD/MP3/MP4
  • Strong Lithium Battery, Plays 2.5 hours Continuously
  • Adapter Power: AC 100-240V
  • Accessories:
    • Remote Control
    • Lithium Battery
    • A/V Cable
    • Adaptor
    • Car Adaptor
    • Operating Manual
that would rock!! When my wife kicks me out of the house and I have to sleep in the car, I can whip this out and watch Xmen. LoL
This actually looks like a decent player...I wonder if they got any measures in place to prevent you from taking the clothes back after you get the receipt.
Gilthanis said:
I wonder if they got any measures in place to prevent you from taking the clothes back after you get the receipt.
I was wondering the same thing...although I wouldn't feel very honest if I did that.
Gilthanis said:
This actually looks like a decent player...I wonder if they got any measures in place to prevent you from taking the clothes back after you get the receipt.

"How do I mail-in for the offer?
To mail-in for the offer, completely fill out the mail-in form and send it, along with your sales receipt (only original accepted) with required purchases circled, to:
I must be going blind, because I do not see it anywhere...
You have to look around a bit for it. It is there... go to the in-store advertisement, put in your zip, and check that out.... it is definitely listed there (along with the Dockers you can buy)

I am all over this deal - I will be making a B-line to JCPenny after work today.
Thanks for the post, OP!


For the record, if you are buying more than $49 worth of stuff, enter "WPDADFS" in the promotion code field before you check out. It will get you free shipping, and probably save you like $20 or so. I just bought 2 pairs of dress shoes and a belt. Rock n' Roll!
Gilthanis said:
This actually looks like a decent player...I wonder if they got any measures in place to prevent you from taking the clothes back after you get the receipt.

The details on the mail-in form tell you to send the ORIGINAL recepit. I don't know what their policy is on returns but I might just ask the lady for a duplicate in case I do need to exchange anything :D
NoZoL said:
You have to look around a bit for it. It is there... go to the in-store advertisement, put in your zip, and check that out.... it is definitely listed there (along with the Dockers you can buy)

I am all over this deal - I will be making a B-line to JCPenny after work today.
Thanks for the post, OP!


For the record, if you are buying more than $49 worth of stuff, enter "WPDADFS" in the promotion code field before you check out. It will get you free shipping, and probably save you like $20 or so. I just bought 2 pairs of dress shoes and a belt. Rock n' Roll!

But it says your total on the receipt has to be over 100 dollars before tax & stuff... if you use the discount, you will be less than 100 and won't be able to get that portable pron player... :D
Nah man, the dress shoes were $50 per pair, so I got 2 pairs (brown and black) and a nice leather belt. My total was about $120, so I was already over the minimum.

Tack on a $7 or so in tax, and I'm up to $127 for 2 pairs of shoes, a belt, and a DVD player :-P

I checked to see what it would be without the code, and they would have hit me for like $18 to ship it.... granted, shoes aren't exactly light, but I like $127 better than $147 anyday!
Great Find! I told a few co-workers and we are all going to jump on it. Who can beat a free dvd player with pants? Go Dockers!!!!!!11!!!111!
I actually got in on this at last minute...went to JCP to return a bed spread that started coming apart...and remembered this post....

I bought a polo shirt and pair of dockers jeans for myself, jeans for my son, a pair of khaki originals for my dad for fathers day and 6 pairs of dockers socks... they also had a $15 off $100 coupon so I ended up paying $114 for everything (saved $73 off retail)...

plus a free dvd player...anyone know the brand? also what is difference between 16:9 and 480X600...?

Has anyone received any information on the DVD player yet? I mailed everything in and I still havent received any type of info. Mailed it in Sunday after the sale on Saturday. Have you all heard anything yet?
Two!?! came in on friday. They look pretty decent. Can't beat em for free.99. I was buying pants for the new internship anyway.
RCGodward said:
Two!?! came in on friday. They look pretty decent. Can't beat em for free.99. I was buying pants for the new internship anyway.

wow u got two?
fuckin sweet
$20 shipped for one:)
noobtech said:
that would rock!! When my wife kicks me out of the house and I have to sleep in the car, I can whip this out and watch Xmen. LoL

In this case I'll buy one too. :D