Free Pocket Knife or $25 DFE Coupon


Limp Gawd
Jul 11, 2003

Just fill out the quick survey and your choice of the two freebies are yours.
THANK YOU for helping us by letting us know how we're doing.
Your pocket knife will be mailed out within the next few weeks.
THANK YOU for helping us by letting us know how we're doing.
Your pocket knife will be mailed out within the next few weeks. :D

THANK YOU for helping us by letting us know how we're doing.
Your pocket knife will be mailed out within the next few weeks. :eek: :D :cool:
Ordered pocket knife... I didn't have a part number though, hope htey like the survey.

Thanks for find.
THANK YOU for helping us by letting us know how we're doing. Your pocket knife will be mailed out within the next few weeks.

EDIT: Please don't hotlink images from other sites. For one thing, that's bandwidth theft. We ask that people de-parse links so they can't be traced back to a freebie forum. They can trace hits from images as well and a lot of sites will kill a deal when they find out what's going on. - Lethal
Me like the knife. I have a cheasy one from some drug company that's made out of plastic..... Looking forward to this thing.
Awesome! Now I Have Something To Stab My Roommate With Next Time He Touches My Xbox ;)