Free Maxim Mag for writing a review. (EASY)

My 2 year Maxim sub just expired about a month ago. This is great timing.

Perfect timing. My subscription is up. Funny thing also, I pay for one year magazine subscriptions and it seems like 4 months later I get the "This is your last Issue". It just kills me.
For those of you who have already gotten theirs, about how long did it take from the time you signed up?
I signed up on 8/26 and got my first issue on 10/1 but I have not received Blender "yet" and I signed up for both on the same day from the same site. See my post above about the Blender offer.
got mine in the mail yesterday. it's been so long I forgot all about it.
Bah, I still havent recieved mine and I signed up same day as OP.
So I got 5...yes FIVE letters in the mail today from Maxim. They all said that they have canceled my order to extend my subscription because I already have it until 2015 and their new policy says that you can't subscribe for longer than 5 years ahead. The 5 letters totaled about 8 years of free Maxim that I wont be getting. Oh well it looks like I'll have to sign up again before 2015...
Got my maxim mag today, was like wtf? Then remembered this thread. Not to thrilled with the reading in it. But, eh it's free. Thanks OP
i have also gotten two, and i must say that where there are pics, there are too few, and the writing is absolutely terrible. i'm not complaining though, it was free
its still working. I just did the blender one. Typically how long did it take for you guys. did mine 12/8/07
I got the November issue of Maxim yesterday and the December issue today :)
Got my second issue this week, all is going well. Also started getting Blender for some reason, definitely didn't sign up for that...:confused:

Ah well, free year 5 of Maxim, no complaints, no complaints at all.