Free HP shirt...

Cool. I think my wife's daily wardrobe (stay at home mommy) is made up of free shirts I've gotten like this.
*** Only qualifying public sector employees in the US are eligible for a free t-shirt

What does that mean?
EhJayKim said:
*** Only qualifying public sector employees in the US are eligible for a free t-shirt

What does that mean?

it means that if they don't think you're going to buy a bunch of stuff, they might not ship you a shirt. that's why you always put down that you're a company, or a buyer, or something that sounds like you're going to spend money.

Hell, Tax permits for the county here are only $5. I'm officially a company, so i get most of this stuff.

I sincerely hope I'm not the only one who came in here looking for a Harry Potter shirt. :(
I work for the Linux Personal Interest Group (LPIG). Hopefully the acronym'll fool 'em.

And hopefully they won't see that it's shipping to a University of Maryland dorm room :p .

Thank yee much, OP!
i live in an apartment and i just say "unit 125" to make it sound like a business in a business park... i really dont think they care cuz its still gettin the name out.
