Free Firmware Upgrade from Zune 2G to Zune 3G (starting 9/16)


Sep 16, 2005
Zune 3G has its official launch on 9/16, and Microsoft has just confirmed that all previous owners of Zune will get a FREE firmware upgrade for the 3G. The third gen Zune that goes on sale on 9/16 has the same hardware except a new blue color option and larger storage capacities; so by upgrading the firmware, you now have converted from 2nd gen to 3rd gen Zune.

3rd Gen Highlights
- Using public and password-protected Wifi Hotspots, zune can now update itself and download directly from zune marketplace
- "buy from FM" - whenever you hear a song you like on FM, you can "tag" it and buy it straight onto the zune.
- Zune Channels and Picks - get automatic updates to channels you pick. the old songs get flushed out and new ones flow in either by connecting to your computer or in any of the wifi hotspots. zune pass users can choose to hold any content, whereas nonsubscribers get to play the song three times before having to decide on purchasing it.
- Games: texas hold'em and hexic are included
- Improved software (or so they say, we'll have to see)

link to Microsoft Press Release.

link to CNET article
While I do love some of the new abilities, I honestly have to say - as a known Apple basher (because I've bought their products and had issues of one kind or another with pretty much all of 'em) - that I'm going to wait a few months and I'm leaning towards an iPod touch. It offers too much to pass up these days in a portable media device, and unless Archos pulls some serious mojo outta their hats, I do believe I'll be getting a touch.

I do like the Archos 5G and 7G - I mean come on, a 7" widescreen portable media device with a Linux-based OS? That could be truly hackable to some extent? Damn...

I got a chance recently to play with an iPod touch for about an hour and, I have to give props to the designers (not Apple, actually, that's the funny part but it's another story) because it does function very well at what it does. My only gripe is the size of the screen - for me, it's just too damned small and should have been slightly larger.

I also would gripe about the battery life myself to some degree.

I do love the Zunes, though. I just think they could have been designed to offer more, and having Wi-Fi built in from the start was so cool - but what the hell can anyone do with it, really? That's where the touch has the big win... it's Wi-Fi enabled and it's able to do what some folks actually like to do: check stuff on the web when they're out and about instead of just using the wireless to get new tunes.

People actually buy music over wireless? Wow... that's interesting. :)
I'm glad I'll be able to update my 1st gen Zune 30GB from 2.0 to 3.0 tomorrow. :) It has yet to fail me yet for over a year.
Quit the fanboy crap and realize they both have benefits and disadvantages.... :rollseyes:
well... bitch about fanboyism all you want, bottom line is i know people that have gone through multiple ipods, meanwhile i have beat the hell out of my zune and it still runs perfectly....
Seriously.....fanboyism has nothing to do with it.

Anyways, downloaded the is a bit better, there still is no freaking toolbar for it though. Installing firmware right now.
I updated mine this morning, I love my zune 30 but I think if I was in the market for a new payer I would get an ipod touch unless MS brings more functionality to the wi-fi feature
The ONLY thing that interests me about the Touch are the games.....even though Zune has games, ZUNE XNA is young.