Free Budweiser E-mail Account

Milenko said:
Please correct the error(s) below:
• Your first name is required, and must contain a minimum of 4 alpha numeric characters.

My fucking name is Jim

LMAO, that's great. It actually made me laugh...

Sorry man.
lol @ Jim.... that is gay.

Anyways... I got pantless at

me likey!
i got fucking spam already.. and it was sent to [email protected] not my address... seriously... i had the account for 30 minutes

ok this account is worthless.. i got 10 more spam messages since i opened the account... so i will probably get 20 a day... and i just fucking opened it.. this shit is going to be one of those 100 spam a day e-mail accounts...

yup... 12 hours later, i have 10 more spam messages...
LOL @ Jim
I like the one do a search on 'the bud man' in north texas, he is sponsored by Bud. Some of his music may be on budweiser's true music page aswell.

I've got a few ideas for mine...
why do most of you guys suddenly think its a good idea to post your email address in this forum? I hope you're not planning on using as your main account or anything.... I'm sure spammers are gonna love this thread!
Milenko said:
Please correct the error(s) below:
• Your first name is required, and must contain a minimum of 4 alpha numeric characters.

My fucking name is Jim
dextrous said:
why do most of you guys suddenly think its a good idea to post your email address in this forum? I hope you're not planning on using as your main account or anything.... I'm sure spammers are gonna love this thread!
Hehe, quality,

any of you see the signature that it gives you?

Get your FREE Budweiser E-mail account at Budweiser
E-Mail must be used responsibly and only is for consumers 21 years of
age and older! Disclaimer: Neither Anheuser-Busch, Inc. (the makers
of BUDWEISER beer) nor the operator of this E-Mail service or their
respective affiliates have seen, endorsed or approved any of the
content in this e-mail and expressly disclaim all liability for the
content in whole and in part.

hehe, it must be used "responsibly"
WTF it says that my last name has to be at least 4 letters. I have 3 letters in my last name. :rolleyes:
S1N3R6Y said:
WTF it says that my last name has to be at least 4 letters. I have 3 letters in my last name. :rolleyes:
Yeah, it's a bit of an oversight. My only suggestion is to just add a (not sure if this would work) space or possibly an underscore at the end?