Free Amazon $5 from checking Verizon Fios at your house - no purchase


Aug 17, 2006
Takes a few minutes, but just throw your house info, name email etc, and be sure to save the promotion and not order it.

Took a few days but I got the email from amazon with the $5 credit.
Wont even accept my address, even tried more populated areas like Orlando and no go.
Thanks but I think its over or they are having technical difficulties.

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This feels like the worthless radioshack 64gb microSD offer. I tried numerous addresses in different locations with the same results. "Not available"
This feels like the worthless radioshack 64gb microSD offer. I tried numerous addresses in different locations with the same results. "Not available"

No shit, I tried all over LA, NY, and other major populated cities. Not one place is available, maybe I should try the fucking moon.
Looks like Verizon is feeling the pressure from Google Fiber.

They really need to expand fiber service... I hate the fact that my only internet option is my area is COX Cable.
Thanks for heads up. I already got verizon fios, but it looks like it will go through. Worth it for a quick $5. :p Well see. Maybe I will win the $1000 gift card. lul.
Use an address @ Pioneer lane Beaverton OR 97008. That's my apartment complex and I have fios :p its fucking sweet...