Freaky Invention Of The Day

It's for an art installation, right? I totally get it from that angle. I want to see their take on 'SUV driver on cellular phone'.
"Our company's mission is to take a portion of the multi-billion dollar hotel business by making a product that allows public oral sex a legal possibility. We are proud that we have thousands of nursing homes as potential production facilities to re-invigorate the cottage industry and the American economy."

im dying.. between the comments, the article, and the flickr photos... i have just found a new MSN display pic.. hahaahhaah

art instalation or not.. lol
How do you fit that over your head and keep your tin-foil hat on at the same time?
What the hell is going on today? What the hell is wrong with people. This is right up there with latex/suffocation pr0n. Not that there is anything wrong with that? :rolleyes:
This isn't Asian. This likes like a Arts, Media and Engineering at Arizona State University. At the very bottom of that page is a link to their abstract on this project.

Prof is a white woman.
That should have been "This looks like a Arts, Media and Engineering project at Arizona State University"
This isn't Asian. This likes like a Arts, Media and Engineering at Arizona State University. At the very bottom of that page is a link to their abstract on this project.

Prof is a white woman.

The girl in the photo on the right is Asian. So I would expect half the planet to have these within a few years.

I worry about heat build-up.

Good thing it is 100% washable.
I would totally buy the keyboard one, I keep my house freezing since i am too cheap to pay for heat. I am always bundled up but my hands are usually cold, i have tried typing with driving gloves but I would make alot of mistakes. with this my hands would stay warm and I would be able to type normally!

in for one if less than $15

I agree... my wife freezes me out... and at work I have even less control (ok... that's probably not true ;-) ). My hands are always frozen, especially during the winter. For ~$15 I'd buy two!

i saw that on /b/ the other day. thought it was a joke. those people about to flame me for breaking rules 1 and 2 can bite me.
[OT MODE] VIC-20, love the username....... :D [/OT MODE]

back on topic, my 1st thought when I saw this thing? They're a bit late for April Fools........
Looks like nothing more than a sweater of some sort reversed, try it yourself or place your orders for one... :rolleyes:
is it just me but i think someone is gonna get raped with this on in a public space ;) :p
Would anyone want to use one of those in a public space? This thing is so stupid, have they done any market research? "would you like to look like a total retard when on the bus? yes or no?" =P
Would anyone want to use one of those in a public space? This thing is so stupid, have they done any market research? "would you like to look like a total retard when on the bus? yes or no?" =P

No they did not as this is not a product to sale in stores but is a class project for a college. This was just somebody's homework assignment.
LMAO, that thing is more ridicules than my user name! That's hard to do!
Now if they really wanted to increase productivity they would put a toilet in your computer chair. Almost as stupid, 100% more effective.;)
Hmm...Chinese Headcuff.

You have to push your head into the laptop in order for it to release you:rolleyes:
Great, so when I tell someone they've been huffing too much Arctic Silver, I can mean it now.....

....this isn't going to end well.
lol. either for playing games or porn at work.

Seems like the air in there would get stale..someone needs to get a built in fan or something

jk said:
Laptop interface for privacy, warmth, and concentration in public spaces
PUBLIC SPACES??? how will these socialites show off their $3000 prada laptops with bags over their heads