Framerate hiccups in HL2, 66.93's fault?


Jun 22, 2004
Alright, I got Halflife 2, it's sweet. Awesomely sweet. But I have these framerate hiccups. Stops for a second and then goes again. It annoys me to a great extent.

My PC is a Athlon 3200+ 512L with a gig of Ram and a GeForce 6800 GT. My Motherboard is a MSI K8N Neo. I never had any framerate hiccups with my old beta 65 drivers with CS:S. So is this the problem? Anyone else getting this?

Also, I asked earlier about UT2k4 crashing on me whenever I exited. Someone pointed me to a place that told you how to fix this by altering some kind of code. I stopped playing it and I wonder if this change is effecting any other part of my computer. I'd like to change it back but I forgot how. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and is willing to tell me if it effects anything and how to change it back?
Theres another thread about this, it's also seen on ATi cards. So far the suggest is to backoff on your OC (if you've OCed your card) back to stock speeds.
nah ppl at rage3d with ati cards are having the same problem

source engine seems buggy thus far... first the stuttering probs with cs:s and now again with hl2.
Suprisingly,,,wink, wink. The hicupping or stuttering problem only seems to be happening to Nvidia users. My XT PE plays it flawlessly. I guess it's fair, you Nvidiot's had better Doom 3 performance.
SocketA said:
Suprisingly,,,wink, wink. The hicupping or stuttering problem only seems to be happening to Nvidia users.
Yeah which is why even those on Rage3D are having the same issue. :rolleyes:
SocketA said:
Suprisingly,,,wink, wink. The hicupping or stuttering problem only seems to be happening to Nvidia users. My XT PE plays it flawlessly. I guess it's fair, you Nvidiot's had better Doom 3 performance.
The insult would have worked better if you said what part of "Nvidiot's" something you were insulting. You probably meant "Nvidiots" to seem a little less illiterate. LOL

BTW, read rage3d or this board. ATI users (including me) are having the same problem.
I am playing with ATI X800 XT pci express.. card.. i am having the same problem....

Really Annoying..... When something explodes..i get this 1 sec pause.. then it continues again. It also happens when i am in intensive action...... I hope its not my computer...

I know i have the powerful system... look at my sigs below
I'm running a 6800 Ultra OC with 2 gigs of ram and an FX-53 @ 2.7ghz and couldnt load the game with the 66.93's (could have been refresh force tho) , so loaded up the beta 67.02's and am getting a real slight hitch/hiccup at times ...barely notice-able tho but its there with running at 1280X1024 with 4aa and 8as with vsync enabled and every other setting maxed in game ...

but isnt it cool that this game is finally out ...yay :)
Trancify said:
I am playing with ATI X800 XT pci express.. card.. i am having the same problem....

Really Annoying..... When something explodes..i get this 1 sec pause.. then it continues again. It also happens when i am in intensive action...... I hope its not my computer...

I know i have the powerful system... look at my sigs below
I got the same problem too :( I thought it was a RAM problem, but I don't think Half-Life II needs more than 2GB of RAM.
Good to know its not just me then, heh. Anyhow, this problem really distracts from the enjoyment of the gameplay. Every now and then when some major event happens, ill get hiccups galore. Very irritating :rolleyes:
I get a hiccup only when its loading up new parts of the map... did the same thing in doom 3. although they reccomend to get rid of that by putting in 2gb of memory into your comp...
You mean go into bios and change it to 256mb?

And also, I never really noticed any framerate hiccups with my 65.something...
Maulenstein said:
You mean go into bios and change it to 256mb?

And also, I never really noticed any framerate hiccups with my 65.something...
yeah, just a thought...
I have an amd 2800 barton, Abit Nf7-S rev 2.0, 2X512 megs of DDR 333 ram in dual channel, sound blaster audigy 2 zs, 74 gig raptor, a sapphire x800xt (actually a platinum, overclocked to 520/560 no problem, it has the 1.6 ns ram). I DO experience those damn hiccups, I installed these drivers Drivers
and it definitely helps out a little, but still. I also hear some popping noises in the game, it happens a lot more frequently when using my headphones. I do have the latest audigy drivers btw. Anyways ATI and Nvidia owners, we all appear to be in the same boat here:eek:
KingPariah777 said:
What about increasing your AGP aperture? could it be a video ram problem?

Very unlikly, so long as you have enough ram to not have to load things from disk that shouldn't be a problem as the textures would have to be shifted from main memory to the card, which at AGP 8x isn't going to take very long, even at 4x it won't make hardly any difference.
I hate to bump the topic.

But yeah, the hiccuping is the autosaver's fault. Is there anyway we can turn autosave off? (Why didn't they just have it autosave during every load time?)