FPS Problems in Half Life 2?


Jun 22, 2004
Alright, you guys probably have answered a thousand of these kind of questions, but.

I have a 6800GT (eVGA) a Athlon 64 3200+ 512M Processor, 1 gig of Cosair XMS Dual Ram, and a Augidy Z2 whatever.

Alright, I have Half Life 2, sweet game, but you know that. Whenever I go through the source stress test I get a 120 FPS. This is at 1152 x 864 with AF at 4x and AA at 2x with everything on high (except for reflections are world only.)

[Edit: Cut this chunk off for being quite false, last time I try to guess my FPS with memory...]

I thought this was normal, hey, it's a beautiful looking game. Except when I read the IGN review, they had a weaker graphics card than mine (a 9800 Pro) with the only advantage being a Pentium 4 3.4 GHZ. But they said the entire game ran seamlessly with no hitches (at a higher resolution than mine too.) I asked a few other people, they said the same thing.

Were they just talking out of their asses, or do I have a defunct card/processor? My drivers are 66.93, do these drivers suck? Do you guys have any suggestions on what drivers I should get?

(Oh and note, I haven't tried out Half Life 2 with that new update...)
have u noticed in the VST that at the beginning your fps jumps from like 80 to low 40's?

well ingame, you ca't expect to get a constant fps... this is not counter strike 1.6 with 100 constant fps..

o yeah and this game is very cpu dependent.. sometimes the cpu is not powerful enough to do the things the game wants altogether so you get the fps drops.. your videocard can handle the game at that resolutio perfected.. the cpu, rather yet.. any cpu out right now cannot keep a steady fps

graphic cards are evolving alot faster than cpu's are.. dang intel/amd.. come out with those dual cores already! :)
Hmm, I take it back, now that I am playing again.

I get 100-80 FPS in close quaters, I get 60-80 in other spots, and it touches the 40-60 mark during the beginning when you finally get outside (with the huge TV playing and people sitting on the benches.)

Is this the normal speed for computers?
get the 67.02 driver... most ppl say its the best one to use with HL2.
those are normal speeds.. when i play HL2.. my fps drops to about 32 one time... i was playing 1600x1200 4xAA and 16XAF on my ultra..
120 fps in stress test ?

that's very cool for an 6800 gt ..

I get about 136 fps with me x800xtpe on A64 3500+ pc
(but maybe that's because I did not oc anything)
well i just ran the VST and used the same settings as he did, 142.4fps

. This is at 1152 x 864 with AF at 4x and AA at 2x with everything on high (except for reflections are world only.)
Who cares what FPS the other kids are getting. If they threw their PC off a bridge would you as well? NO!

All that matters is how you feel about your Half Life 2 experience. And it sounds like you are enjoying the game and that it is very beautiful.
mentok1982 said:
Who cares what FPS the other kids are getting. If they threw their PC off a bridge would you as well? NO!

All that matters is how you feel about your Half Life 2 experience. And it sounds like you are enjoying the game and that it is very beautiful.
well he was wondering if his card was malfunctioning... im sure even if everything looks beautiful and all. u would want to take full advantage of having a card that perform as it should and not any less even if it runs it fine on that game. i mean u paid for something and u should expect what u paid for...
From the sounds of your specs, you should have no problem with HL2 at even higher resolution. I would check to see if you are sharing IRQ's with your video card or sound card. That sometimes can cause problems with FPS. You can try the other ten thousand beta drivers to see if that also helps.
Go into your device manager and sort the list by IRQs. If your card has the same IRQ number as another device in your system, it means it's sharing an IRQ.

Quite honestly, my video card is sharing an IRQ with the USB ports, but there has been absolutely no performance degradation. In addition, I just finished playing the Half Life 2 demo, and I was running it at 2xAA 16xAF on my BFG 6800 OC. It looked absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait till I get the full game.
At the top of the device manager window click on View then click on Show Resources by Type, then click on Interrupt Rquest (IRQ).
Ah in there, IRQ # on my videocard is (PCI) 16. Nothing is sharing it... But what does PCI mean? Does the card think it's a PCI card?

And I also updated the drivers to that 67.02 one. Stress test gave me a 122 FPS. I saw other topics saying theirs improved by 30% so I do believe I have a conflict going on.
Well, there's always a "Safely Remove Hardware" on my tray with my Harddrive in it.

Could this be it?

Also, should I run Sandra Standard and show you the results?
ive been wanting to make my video card use an IRQ by itself but i cant its always sharing what do i need to do to make an IRQ work only for one device (video card) please help me out
no not the same card... it's an ultra and BTW ur system is running fine like i said earlier.. my fps drops to the 30's FYI...

and o yeah.. is your monitor limiting you to that low res? try 1280x960 max everything
Alright, thanks. I can rest easy.

I use 1152 x 864 with 2x AA because the AA smooths everything out, and I think the slightly lower resolution will save me a framerate or two.