FPS issues WoW.

With the graphics slider turned to low, so far I have not had issues with the FPS dipping down and being horrible. Gonna keep messing around and see if it crops back up.

EDIT: Well thought everything was good. Did a round of WG with the slider set to low, WG went off without issues, got back into dal and then a few sec later started getting FPS jumping all over from 19-20's-30's-40's and back down and all over the place.
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Like i said its your money. Speeding up the loading in wow by 2 seconds is not going to get you into any action any faster.

If you've never played WoW installed to an SSD then you probably wouldn't understand why people are excited about it. I can tell you though, that it's a very noticeable improvement in responsiveness in the game. In fact, I would wager to say that it made one of the biggest improvements to my WoW experience by switching my install over to my SSD array.

So now you're thinking, "in what way", right? Well, there's the obvious reduced load times when entering an instance, porting, or starting the game. There's also less slowdown and stuttering when in busy areas that require the game to constantly load or swap textures, for instance, any of the major cities or a large raid. This gave a nice boost to my frame rates in busy areas by getting rid of the huge FPS fluxuations I would get when turning quickly and the hard drive would start churning and puking trying to pull up the new textures. I used to have the "invisible character" issue where all I could see were shadows running around for about 20 seconds after porting into a city or first loading the game. That doesn't happen anymore. Alt-Tabbing in or out of the game is much faster.

There's got to be a noticeable difference because even my wife, who normally is oblivious to things like this, wants an SSD for Christmas to upgrade her computer so "it'll run WoW better". She gets so mad when she can't see me because my character hasn't loaded yet on her computer but I'm standing next to her waving and poking because I can see her. Apparently that's "not fair".

Our computers are sitting side-by-side so the difference is very obvious. It's kind of like you don't know what you're missing until you experience the improved performance.

Edit: Then again, you might be one of the people like my friend who can't tell the difference between 10fps and 60fps and could care less about load times, and will happily sit there and play a slideshow
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WoW loves to stream data from the drive constantly, especially when you're travelling, say... across Northrend or running through an instance. The load screen doesn't put the entirety of ICC or Northrend into your memory, obviously.

Mobs, players, environment effects, spells, is all loaded as you go.
You'll usually see some slight 'hiccups' on standard drives when this stuff is loaded, I'm running a raid0 setup on normal platter drives and I still see the stutters.

It's only going to get worse come Cataclysm, with all the special crap they've added in, along with phasing.
Fly into a phase on a standard drive (you can do this now with Argent Crusade grounds and Shadow Vault in Northrend) and enjoy the stutter as it loads 30+ mobs/effects at once.
WoW loves to stream data from the drive constantly, especially when you're travelling, say... across Northrend or running through an instance. The load screen doesn't put the entirety of ICC or Northrend into your memory, obviously.

Mobs, players, environment effects, spells, is all loaded as you go.
You'll usually see some slight 'hiccups' on standard drives when this stuff is loaded, I'm running a raid0 setup on normal platter drives and I still see the stutters.

It's only going to get worse come Cataclysm, with all the special crap they've added in, along with phasing.
Fly into a phase on a standard drive (you can do this now with Argent Crusade grounds and Shadow Vault in Northrend) and enjoy the stutter as it loads 30+ mobs/effects at once.

Yep, I tried RAID0 on my old WD 640GB drives and even using Raptors and it didn't really make much difference, but the SSD sure did. It's dead silent too, unlike the Raptors.
Like i said its your money. Speeding up the loading in wow by 2 seconds is not going to get you into any action any faster.

With the amount of addons that I run, it's considerably more than just "2 seconds."
Just for kicks I copied my WoW install onto my recently created HTPC system, tweaked some settings, went to Dal and jumped into a round of Wintergrasp. It ran alright, was fairly playable and all my add ons were enabled too.

BTW my HTPC is an i3 530 using the on chip GPU, so if you're not getting 20-30ish FPS in a couple of the worst spots for FPS with a bunch of add ons @ 1080p with your settings spread across low to fair (and highest for textures!) with an actual GPU then you have some fixing to do!

As mentioned, try moving all your mods to a different dir, start fully fresh. Also try going a step farther but deleting the cache files, clear out the WTF folder too and parts in that WTB folder as well that save some info. (Can't remember the name and I can't look it up atm) Try defragging the drive. Clear out other crud that might be loading up in your system. Also turn down the water effects and shadows, just going one notch down from max for your water be noticeable, at least it was on my 280 SLI system.
Well I decided to buy a Corsair 700 watt PSU today, and installed Catalyst Control Center and turned the fan up to max. So far its been working fine.
Why in the world would you install wow on an SSD???? Load times really a problem for you in wow??

Um, load times maybe? You know, since WoW is mostly running from area to area- pretty much constantly loading new textures.

Its a game where load times do not matter one tiny little bit. Its your money i guess...

Wha? Have you ever even played the game before? If anything, WoW is one of the more loading-intensive games.
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about.

LOL, love people who talk smack and don't know shit.

Yeah... Those darn addons making load times longer...:rolleyes:

Um, load times maybe? You know, since WoW is mostly running from area to area- pretty much constantly loading new textures.

Wha? Have you ever even played the game before? If anything, WoW is one of the more loading-intensive games.

Its one thing to justify your choices its another to act like fucking idiots and make stupid claims...

Well it doesnt matter. Fact is, MMO's are one of the few types of games that will have ANY benefit from an SSD with their massive amounts of data streaming. I run WoW off of my C300, not because it will make some staggering difference (although it is clearly noticeable no matter what anyone says) but because I can. Its nice not having any hiccups, any delay in loading models or portal or anything when going or flying anywhere.

Load instantly along with all players and models is a nice perk, and Ive got plenty of room on the ssd for whatever, so why not?
Its one thing to justify your choices its another to act like fucking idiots and make stupid claims...

Yeah you probaly know all about that, especially after claiming a game that relies heavily on loading wouldn't benefit much from an SSD. Also, no need for the name calling dude. Leave that shit for the playground during recess time.
Yeah... Those darn addons making load times longer...:rolleyes:

Its one thing to justify your choices its another to act like fucking idiots and make stupid claims...

You must be new to games?

Addons do affect loading times. Depending on how many and which ones you run. I run a lot of addons. I've gone through good and bad releases. I have seen loading times decrease significantly directly because of addons.

SSD's do speed up WoW a great deal. Not just the loading of new zones but also make for much smoother gameplay when there is a lot going on the screen due to faster texture loading. You certainly don't need an SSD. But it is nice and it helps.
Yeah... Those darn addons making load times longer...:rolleyes:

I honestly don't know if you're being sarcastic or really have never played WoW before. Addons require additional time to load, if you have addons (Recount being a HUGE one, any quest tracking, AckRecipeList, GearScore) they require extra loading time. Even on an SSD if you don't manage your addons load times get pretty bad.

An SSD does make a HUGE difference in a game like WoW, when you step up from a standard mechanical drive to an SSD you can instantly tell the difference. When the launch of WotLK happened I had a lan party and you could see the difference when looking at my buddies screen to mine. While yes information needs to be pulled from the server, ALL of the content is already loaded on your PC.

You sit at your PC calling us fucking idiots but have no idea what you're talking about.
I honestly don't know if you're being sarcastic or really have never played WoW before. Addons require additional time to load, if you have addons (Recount being a HUGE one, any quest tracking, AckRecipeList, GearScore) they require extra loading time. Even on an SSD if you don't manage your addons load times get pretty bad.

An SSD does make a HUGE difference in a game like WoW, when you step up from a standard mechanical drive to an SSD you can instantly tell the difference. When the launch of WotLK happened I had a lan party and you could see the difference when looking at my buddies screen to mine. While yes information needs to be pulled from the server, ALL of the content is already loaded on your PC.

You sit at your PC calling us fucking idiots but have no idea what you're talking about.

I agree with this. wow runs great on a ssd, its pulling thousands of tiny textures and models as you play the game. its pretty much the best case scenario for a ssd use at gaming. its really satisfying to have everything load immediately and makes the game more enjoyable.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device