fps games


Nov 11, 2006
1--what is the most realistic shooting game (FPS) that you've played and enjoyed.?
by realistic i dont mean graphics. i mean overall game play

2--what is the best FPS (your favorite) that you still play? (doesnt have to be realistic)
1) Not that I've had much experience firing guns etc but the most realistic so far is probably Red Orchestra, a WW2 shooter available on steam, it suffers because of it's realism however, the gameplay is quite tedious/boring IMO.

2) Best shooter to date? Too hard to decide really, I think the closest you could get to an answer is the best in each genre, for example, best action, best scary, best story/mmo etc
Frosteh said:
1) Not that I've had much experience firing guns etc but the most realistic so far is probably Red Orchestra, a WW2 shooter available on steam, it suffers because of it's realism however, the gameplay is quite tedious/boring IMO.

2) Best shooter to date? Too hard to decide really, I think the closest you could get to an answer is the best in each genre, for example, best action, best scary, best story/mmo etc

do you have a favorite out of them all? or do u put decide by genre?
greygoose said:
1--what is the most realistic shooting game (FPS) that you've played and enjoyed.?
by realistic i dont mean graphics. i mean overall game play

2--what is the best FPS (your favorite) that you still play? (doesnt have to be realistic)

1) FEAR is probably the most realistic one I've played. Not because it has realistic weapons or graphics (though they are amazing), but because when I shoot at walls or something else, bits end pieces come out of it. The Particle effects are amazing. Another effect I find realistic, is the camera movement. When for example, I throw a grenade and I'm close enough to the detonation area, the camera moves and shakes, due to the impact of the explosion. I find that very immersive in a game. One final example of how realistic it looks, is the full body awareness. Our character actually has legs and feet. It's not like most of the FPS, where our character seems to be a pair of arms and hands in the air, with nothing to support them.

2) It's also FEAR. In this case FEAR Combat. It's my favorite multiplayer game, right after Enemy Territory. Quake Wars will proibably change all that :)
have any of you played those ARMY type games? i think the names were like soldier of fortune or rainbow six. i think rainbow six had a series of other games after/before it. any experience with any of those?
I wouldn't call FEAR realistic as such, it looks nice but combine that with the idea of scary ghost girls and look at the damage system for the enemies it doesn't seem all that realistic anymore :)

Americas army is another reasonably realistic FPS with a fairly realisic damage system and authentic sounds/models
greygoose said:
1--what is the most realistic shooting game (FPS) that you've played and enjoyed.?
by realistic i dont mean graphics. i mean overall game play

2--what is the best FPS (your favorite) that you still play? (doesnt have to be realistic)

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter.

Operation Flashpoint.

I think by realistic he means accurate weapons, 1shot=1 kill, if you get shot in the leg you have to crawl, realistic comms, etc. I'm not sure why you would label FEAR as realistic...? :confused:
Silus said:
1) FEAR is probably the most realistic one I've played. Not because it has realistic weapons or graphics (though they are amazing), but because when I shoot at walls or something else, bits end pieces come out of it. The Particle effects are amazing. Another effect I find realistic, is the camera movement. When for example, I throw a grenade and I'm close enough to the detonation area, the camera moves and shakes, due to the impact of the explosion. I find that very immersive in a game. One final example of how realistic it looks, is the full body awareness. Our character actually has legs and feet. It's not like most of the FPS, where our character seems to be a pair of arms and hands in the air, with nothing to support them.

2) It's also FEAR. In this case FEAR Combat. It's my favorite multiplayer game, right after Enemy Territory. Quake Wars will proibably change all that :)

I'm not sure how you count one aspect as making a game realistic. If that's the case then Red Faction is the "most realistic" game made since you could blow holes in the floor...notice he said not graphics, but gameplay. What you're talking about is a graphical achievement. FEAR is completely unrealistic.

I'd say America's Army would be the "most" realistic game I've personally played.

Most fun I'd say probably UT99.
1) SWAT 4 excluding the TSS expansion. Also I will have to agree with Eagle156. Operation Flashpoint was pretty realistic.

2) I would say HL but I hardly play it. So I will have to say HL:2.
battle field 2 is realistic although it's looney... It's a balance of air superiority and ground support...

Fear was not realistic... It was just scary...
How can you say that BF2 is realistic? You can take a shot to the chest from a .50 cal M95 and live. The planes actually get more maneuverable the faster they fly. Tanks only use HEAT rounds (in stock BF2, anyway) and successfully destroy tanks with them. You can get revived with just some shock paddles. I can go on and on...
Eagle156 said:
How can you say that BF2 is realistic? You can take a shot to the chest from a .50 cal M95 and live. The planes actually get more maneuverable the faster they fly. Tanks only use HEAT rounds (in stock BF2, anyway) and successfully destroy tanks with them. You can get revived with just some shock paddles. I can go on and on...
LOL, So true!

Most realistic: Operation: Flashpoint; Original Ghost Recon; Rainbow 6 series (haven't played Vegas though)

Most fun: BF2. The whole 64 player squad-based atmosphere (assuming you have a few buddies on ventrillo who aren't idiots) can't be beat.

Nostalgia favorite: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault multiplayer. Assault sniping on V2 Rocket Facility FTW!
BF2142 and BF2 own. No real air raping going on in BF2142. It's more an infantry game/land vehicle game. But if you're into flying go with BF2 and make sure you have a good gunner in the seat next to ya.

I like 2142 better at the moment, but I haven't really had time to play in a week or so.

And FEAR was sweet! Nail gun stapling people to the wall FTW.
1) Americas Army

Most realistic I think, but then, realism doesn't always translate into fun. I want fun to be the all-consuming goal of the games I play.

2) Hard to say, in terms of explicit time spent, counter-strike wins clearly, since each new beta changed the gameplay enough to keep me and my friends interested. After retail it wore off.

But time spent is just one measure of quality. I suppose Deus Ex would be the most fun I've had on a first play-through.
1 - Red Orchestra, I played the during the demo weekend last week, and I must say, if you get shot in the leg, you can't walk, if you get shot in the arm or hand, you can't use your weapon, and from a distance you have to arch your shots.

2 - My favorite is still Half-Life 2, I can play it over and over.
1.) Most of the Tom Clancy games are based about as much in realism as an FPS thus far has been. I'd go with one of those, but if I had to pick, probably Rainbow 6.

2.) Half-Life 2. I enjoyed the hell out of the game and while it doesn't have a ton of replay value, I still play through it occasionally. If you want an FPS I play a lot, I'd probably have to go with BF2 even though I'm really not a huge fan of it. It simply serves as my fill-in FPS until the next one (HL2:ep2, portal, TF2, ut2k7, bioshock, etc) comes out.
saan44 said:
1.) Most of the Tom Clancy games are based about as much in realism as an FPS thus far has been. I'd go with one of those, but if I had to pick, probably Rainbow 6.

2.) Half-Life 2. I enjoyed the hell out of the game and while it doesn't have a ton of replay value, I still play through it occasionally.

I agree with your selection, as I've gone through HL2 countless times. The original R6 was unbelievable back then...I can remember spending so much time tweaking the attack plans. Rogue Spear was pretty decent too, if i remember correctly.

I would like to add COD2 though to that list; although it was extremely linear, I've played through it probably eight or nine times just because the gameplay is so satisfying.
Another vote for Red Orchestra. Aiming high at long distances is tricky, but realistic. Getting shot in various body parts = not being able to use them. I'm essentially recapping an earlier post. :p
CS:Source, Half-Life 2, Call of Duty 2.
JaYp146 said:
Another vote for Red Orchestra. Aiming high at long distances is tricky, but realistic. Getting shot in various body parts = not being able to use them. I'm essentially recapping an earlier post. :p
But at least the bullets go where you aim, unlike BF2.
1. unreal tournament
2. unreal tournament

like the sig says bitches. best game ever friggin made.