Foxconn Flaming Blade Sneak Peek @ [H]

Yeah, there are a lot of jokes in that name.
All I hear is Gay Blade
Few other differences:
-Only one NIC, and no rear BIOS reset or eSATA ports
-No force reset, power, or reset buttons
-Worse cooling setup

^ Uses electrolytic capcitors instead of solids as well.
And no PCIe x1 slot either

I really like the way this board looks and the price isn't bad either @ $210. My only problem is that there are only 3 mem slots. Not bad for now, but i know I'm going to want to throw more in there later when DDR3 drops even more.

Before I saw this video, I was looking at the Asus P6T for my next build (if i can get the scratch together). I'm definitely looking forward to the full review.
Not my type of board or one which I would recomend to the majority of my customers.

Any manufacturer who doesn't take into consideration that many overclockers do use all of the features of their product and do not want any of those features blocked *cough* - SATA ports - *cough* is foolish.

Thanks for the preview Kyle. I will be showing this to all of my enthusiast customers and letting them make an informed decision on their own. :)
That is a nice looking board. Can't wait for the review. Want to go Core i7 year so its nice to see a lot of X58 reviews so I can make a bit of a short list of boards to look at when the time comes.
Not my type of board or one which I would recomend to the majority of my customers.

Any manufacturer who doesn't take into consideration that many overclockers do use all of the features of their product and do not want any of those features blocked *cough* - SATA ports - *cough* is foolish.

Thanks for the preview Kyle. I will be showing this to all of my enthusiast customers and letting them make an informed decision on their own. :)

Where do you see the SATA ports being blocked??? I see them ABOVE where the GPU PCB would be In the video they are all accessible when the card is actually snapped in place
All I hear is Gay Blade

I was actually worried it would be even more ghey

...but apparently it was painless compared to the bloodrage.

What's the deal with all these X58 boards that have 3 DIMM slots anyway? I've gotten used to running a few VMs on my C2D w/8GB DDR2, so I don't want to downgrade to 6GB going to i7 :confused:
My bloodrage has worked flawless for me no problems and overclocked to a stable 4.0 with mem @ 2k.
Where do you see the SATA ports being blocked??? I see them ABOVE where the GPU PCB would be In the video they are all accessible when the card is actually snapped in place
yeah, that's my impression too.

anyway, i don't trust foxconn because:
- i had their x38-a and it was a cheap piece of crap
- hardocp's review of the bloodrage
- they come out with ugly boards with stupid names. trying too hard to be 'extreme'

i'd rather get a gigabyte board, be less 'extreme,' and have a pc that works well and even overclocks, for cheap. but that's just me.
yeah, that's my impression too.

anyway, i don't trust foxconn because:
- i had their x38-a and it was a cheap piece of crap
- hardocp's review of the bloodrage
- they come out with ugly boards with stupid names. trying too hard to be 'extreme'

i'd rather get a gigabyte board, be less 'extreme,' and have a pc that works well and even overclocks, for cheap. but that's just me.

Like i said my bloodrage rocks...
im guessing from the sneak peek Kyle liked it enough to hold himself back from drawing a penis on it with a sharpie (like he almost did with the bloodrage) :D
They've could have placed those sata ports much better, and with 90 degree angles. And only 3 slots for RAM also in this foxconn board. That board doesn't seem to be any better than mediocre or other manufacturers, but that's probably going to be clarified in the upcoming review.
Pci and Pci-e 4x should switch slots, and Sata should be angled.

My guess on the name, cooling gets burning hot, and cuts you like kyle did at blood rage, but this board closes the wound with the heat, so no blood this time.

Just kidding :)

Looking forward to it( review)
Any chance there will be a GD-70 and the new 790FX Crosshair 3 review ? :) looking for a AM3 board to play with ;D
Looks like they took the basic design of the Bloodrage and simplified it to make it cheaper.
The impression of the graphics card blocking the SATA ports came from the video when he held the card above the slot, he held it a bit too high, so it looked as if it was blocking the ports.
If you would want to use a PCI soundcard and dual graphics cards it could get mighty toasty in the middle though :D

I wouldn't expect anything stellar from this, somehow seems to me like Foxconn is cutitng their losses exiting the end-user mainboard business by shoving their surplus of gizmo-heatsinks onto cheaper boards.
I like the idea of the Bloodrage, a board just made for the testbench where some design flaws can be forgiven. But this one bears a more mainstream-oriented cooling solution and overall setup (and price), therefore it shouldn't feel watered down in some areas.
Nice board, really bad name.

Thanks for the video preview. It's much easier on my stupid morning brain than reading! LOL

One thing...Please, Kyle, don't do that swoopy sideways camera thing!!! You do it where you're showing the mobo in the tech station.

But again, I look forward to another video review!

Another foxconn /yawn. Yet another motherboard that I would never even consider purchasing. Man hardware has been sad lately if all we are getting are foxconns. I thought this was an enthusiast site...not "Pimp my emachine".
My problems with Foxconn date back to their socket 940 nForce Pro board (NFPIK8AA-8EKR). Twin full 16x PCIe slots for long as you didn't want to run anything newer than 6800's on in. The BIOS was never updated to fix the bugs or allow newer video cards, and their technical support was worthless. It doesn't matter how many bells and whistles they hang onto their new hardware if I can't trust that any of it will actually work.
hmm i heard foxconn stopped making enthusiast motherboards after their last x58 supposedly they are just going to make oem now

anyways this looks like a nice mobo.. all the x58 mobos are like 250 and up... its nice to see the price coming down

who uses more than 2 graphics cards anyway...

theres one of these for 180... apparently it has shitty caps tho.. ill pass lol... if they get a solid cap x58 for like 150 ill drop 775

im betting DFI will do it soon... DK-X58 plz
im guessing from the sneak peek Kyle liked it enough to hold himself back from drawing a penis on it with a sharpie (like he almost did with the bloodrage) :D

Who knows, maybe Kyle actually did draw a penis on it..

Only the buyer of the board from Kyle would know for sure, if Kyle did sell it.. :D
You can get a core i7 920..This board...a gtx260..and 6gb of ram. for $730+shipping from newegg right now. I am extremely tempted to get one. I have a decent video card right now and don't really need the 260. All I play is TF2. With later additions this opteron 165 is showing its age. Though they recently have gotten dual core working better than it was before and this helps. I wont be happy until I can have 31 people in a massive fire fight and get better than 40fps.
the 3 dimm slots was a bad point on the blood rage, why didn't anyone do this one differently?
210usd for that board isn't bad at all. Looking forward to seeing the full review.
3 DIMM slots?


Why are 3 dimm slots bad? This is obviously a budget board.

Also anyone who thinks they need more than 6gb of ram is fooling themselves anyways and would probably want a board with features along the lines of costing $300 to begin with because they want more flash than substance in the end. I can picture under no circumstance where someone who would purchase this board to begin with and would regret not buying one with 6 dimm slots.

210usd for that board
If you don't want SLI its $170 on newegg. The GTI version has crossfire but not SLI, if you use ATI this board is well priced.