Found a 2.4B


Jul 16, 2004
Today I was looking in my old computer stuff and i found a 2.4ghz B cpu. Like finding $20 in ur pant pockets :D. Anyway I was wondering what would be a decent motherboard that I could get im looking to spend around $80-100 or so have a second computer. Since this CPU was oem I also need a heatsink/fan. I know people ask this a lot but I don't crap about Pentium 4s, especially one old like this. Don't even ask how I got it because your guess is as good as mine :p

Edit: Im going to want to upgrade in the future so I want something that will support a Prescott too. Overclocking is a plus but not manditory.
If you want something that will support a future Prescott, don't even bother messing around with that 2.4. Wait until you're ready to buy the Prescott and then buy a quality motherboard. The newest Prescotts are coming out in a different format that is incompatible with the old P4s.
get a refurb ic7 from newegg, i got mine for $80. came with everything a new one does. BUT i had to rma it because id had the problem with the onboard audio and gigabit nic that some of them had.
don't try to upgrade this. just get a decent mobo (the refurb ic7's sound good) and make it a file server/folding box. then later get a seperate 775 box. or a64 :D
Ok I'll probably get the IC7, but I'm not guarenteed the accessories or booklet. Is the IC7 a good overclocker? I'm also looking at heatsinks and im thinking of getting a swiftec. Any suggestions on what brand/model? Thanks
Is the IC7 a good overclocker???? in a word....YES. It's a damn good overclocker, one of the best I'd say. It has some problems with Vdimm over 2.8v though from what I hear, but nothing a simple vdimm mod won't fix ;)
I have an rdram/mobo combo up for sale... I also have 2 x256 rdram if you would need extra...

Asus P4T533-C and 2 x 128mb RDRAM for $120 shipped

Has a 2.4b on it right now, it scores pretty well in sandra mem bench.

pm me if you have any questions/offers