Forum background gone white?

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Sep 22, 2005
I was doing my usual browsing rounds and suddenly, the forum background is white! Images still work fine, but everything else, even what is supposed to be red, (say, the headings to posts and such), grey, or any other color. Additionally, link text is the default color (blue for unvisited, purple for visited. This has happened in Firefox 2 and IE6 on my widnows machine, and just to be sure I tried in firefox 1.x on my linux box, with the same results. What is going on?
Looks like a problem with the style sheets. I'm sure it'll be fixed quickly.

edit: Yeah, I can't get the CSS file. Must be happening to everyone. This sort of thing doesn't happen for long usually.
Pretty sure it isn't ours to fix. Pretty trippy though.

Renamed or misplaced CSS style sheet, probably.
yep, same here. Was normal then *BOOM* all of a sudden, this. How to change it back, I need wear shades :cool: to view forum now:(
Chill guys, they are still doing some upgrades. Its just the CSS Stylesheet being updated. Give it some time and it will come back.
Yeah, it was discussed in another thread here a few minutes ago. Everyone is saying style sheets, so no big. Don't sweat it, it will be back momentarily.:D
Hmmm they can have some sweet backgrounds

I propose [H] change their background from black to a sweet tidal wave:D
Holy Mother of Dogs, I thought the "new look" had kicked in and I was going to die...thank goodness it's just temporary!
Glad to find out Im not the only one looking at an old BBS style board.
I know they are working on the problem. But just for the record I don't like the forums white.
I'm bout to go blind here. :('
I'll check back later to see if they fixed it.
Looks nasty. Makes me feel a little whoozy.

.....wait, that whoozy-ness is coming from the Miller Lite.

...but the white does look nasty..:eek:
ya, i spent a few mintutes trying to put mine back, then i realized it i didnt hit the "Printer Friendly Version" of the thread lol
I am still getting the white background, yet people are saying its fixed, WTH!
I left ..did some stuff and came back 4 minutes later and back to normal now ..schaweeet!

hmm ..just made previous post ..hit "submint reply" ...and now its back to the Whitey'ness ...darn

This is really strange, i am testing it in IE, FF, and Op and iti s working fine for me in all. I am obviously missing something here.
Yes the white is a bit loud I went from reading one thread in my dark room and then BLAM this white background it was like someone blasted me with a flash. Nice. :cool: ah I am sure someone is on it hey atleast the forums are working.

I have updated the CSS and it is working fine on all my boxes here. With all browsers. I am at a loss for the moment.
Please sound off it you are still seeing it FUBAR.
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