FormulaBoinc 2017, Threats/Opportunities

... and some crazy bug ...

Screen Shot 2017-08-21 at 0.49.53.png

hope I find that soon
Well let's hope you find it in the next few hours because we are already past those two teams with the next update later today.
Yeah you're gonna miss it then. I think the next update happens in about 5 hours.
Partially I believe it's cause by irregular data imports around 13th/14th August. Will delete those once i have two week worth of data. I thing the best view is the "3-day" right now; most stable data.

Still will have a look if the coloring rules are buggy; can be. Vacation is over though.

What is the better limit ?

Red: < 30days
Yellow: > 30days; but within year

- or -

Red: < 14 days
Yellow: < 30 days

- or -

Red: < 7 days
Yellow: < 14
switched to option b)

red when we will be overtaken under 14 days;
yellow when we might be overtaken between 14 and 30 days
color-less else
Quick: brain storming ...

Sebastien from FB is a nice and responsive guy: now I also get the "sprint data" as XML

Question: how to incorporate in our dashboard ?

Suggestion: for the active sprint I would add two project lines; first one for marathon; second line for the actual sprint. This was we should get a good overview on double golds.

Finished sprints I would place chronological at the end of the table.

Somehow I don't like a second page but listen to the voice of my customers ...

So: how you guys want to have the sprints served ?
Well, my opinion. How it could be useful to me would a new page that's just the current/active sprint. With data showing current scores for all teams. As well as the last xx number of updates. Since the sprint happens in such a short time I don't think an average would matter. Like for this sprint our average is well below the Army, but as you can see we're out doing them. How well are we out doing them? If we could see what they're producing each update vs what we're producing then we can judge whether or not they're catching us or we're leaving them.

Maybe, in my head I see it like this.

Table. Left most column is the team name. First column to the right is the overall scores with the highest score at the top. Then to the right (3rd column and so on) would be the update total for each hour for say the last 12 hours.

So our for example

HardOCP | (total score) | Last hourly update | hourly update before that | hourly update before the previous one | so on and so forth...
US ARmy | (total score) | Last hourly update | hourly update before that | hourly update before the previous one | so on and so forth...

Then, in a glance you can easily see who's in the lead and whether or not they're holding the lead or if someone is catching them.
Thanks Skillz ; plus this way might make the rows in the table smaller provide a faster glance ; update I think is every two hours. 12 columns should then give us 24 hours coverage per line.

I start collecting data files now and try to enhance the database once coming home in few hours and prep another page.

For consistency of styles I might leave the position of the team in the columns (as for the marathon) and put the time dimension into the rows.
Dynamic position of the teams would allow you to easily see who's in which place without having to decipher by looking at the total points.

I am 99% certain it's every hour. I check the stats hourly during a sprint except when I am sleeping and each hour on the hour the stats are updated.

Think of it as taking the marathon table and each row being it's own full table.

Like the sprint page is on FB. They're in order from 1st place at the top to last place at the bottom and it changes. If it was in the same position as the marathon stats you'd have to have a column with current position to make it "easier" to see who's in first or you'll have to check each total to see who's the highest, 2nd highest, 3rd highest, so on and so forth.
Nah, with leave in columns I mean just the placement overall; the teams would move through the columns based on current position.

I might try both versions ; then we can compare ...
Well.. .it would serve for bragging rights if anyone ever decided to talk shit. It may also determine what kind of recruiting would need to be done in the future...
That -2H column doesn't make any sense. What's it showing?

Hmm, need to see what was delivered in the raw files or what I have in the database.

Right now it looks ok; also for the timeframe shown ...

Still looks messed up to me.


Using Chrome.
Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I hate Chrome ... can't even sort an array properly. (didn't know before; but quite some error around in the net forums); anyway, sorting now by credit instead of timestamp and it comes as expected ...

Screen Shot 2017-08-27 at 10.31.03.png

(Please, all! switch to Mac and Safari .... ;-)
Last edited:
Seems to be working fine in Edge.

Really helpful stuff Christian. Thanks for taking the time and effort to create this.
I've got an idea, shouldn't be too hard to implement.

Since you guys just took the #1 spot in YOYO, it would be nice to see how long before the next teams could take the position back if our production went to 0. Just to give us an idea of how far ahead we are (not just by the points) but by days.

So if we have 123 days left to go, then it would be nice to just keep crunching projects until we see 120+ days before the competition catches us at their current production rate. This way we will know we can easily focus on other projects and most likely not worry with getting taken over.
I could place a green check mark into those projects where no change until end of year is expected; if a team could increase their performance and risk to pass us during time of competition the mark would go away.

Technically I need to prep some changes in the DB queries; need to see how easy that can be done without messing up dependencies. Will have a look on the weekend after my submission of the next FAHMM.
That'll work. Then we can crunch until we see a green check.
Interesting. I don't think it looks too bad for next year in that we only started to focus on FB about 3 months or so ago and have made good progress during a period when a predominantly US based team powers down for the Summer. Also, the top 3 teams will be replaced by less capable teams in 2018.

On the flip side, fastgeek played a key role in our 2017 success which brings us back to needing new/old members for the new season.
Why am I seeing that we could be overtaken on NumberFields?

Is the overtake calculation based on some sort of average per day which hasn't caught up to our latest 3 days of high production? I guess I was thinking that the "g" numbers was our production for the last day, but I see we are doing about 250k ppd right now in NumberFields. Is "g" an average then, but not the same average used for the overtake?

And regarding the What-If numbers that is interesting. I had done some quick back and forth number comparisons, but good to see it calculated out.
That's because our daily output 3 days ago was like 50k points. So the average, which is the last 7 days, isn't above their average. Click the "3 days" or "last day" button at the top for the most recent averages.
That's because our daily output 3 days ago was like 50k points. So the average, which is the last 7 days, isn't above their average. Click the "3 days" or "last day" button at the top for the most recent averages.

I forgot about those buttons. :oops:
I will change the default to "3 days". With the dominance we have in our league I don't see the current need for long time view.
I leave those others for next year though; also with then full year worth of data.
moved the dashboard to a new address: please use

Layout change will happen over weekend

Q: do we want to keep the link ... less public ... or should we refer it in the main menu ?

Excellent work CV, everything easy to see at a glance. As for public I'm not as ingrained with the BOINC community as some of you guys and it seems the most active are on this subforum, but I don't see the harm in posting the link in the main DC forum. Might help the less initiated to select projects more easily. I bookmarked the site in any event.
moved the dashboard to a new address: please use

Layout change will happen over weekend

Q: do we want to keep the link ... less public ... or should we refer it in the main menu ?

I'm OK with making it public. Helps us to be able to point to the site in the guides and challenges, for newer members to know where to concentrate on (like Toconator points out). If other teams start using it, maybe the challenges will be even more lively.
Excellent work CV, everything easy to see at a glance. As for public I'm not as ingrained with the BOINC community as some of you guys and it seems the most active are on this subforum, but I don't see the harm in posting the link in the main DC forum. Might help the less initiated to select projects more easily. I bookmarked the site in any event.
I wouldn't mind any member of the HardOCP team to use it (the opposite is the case); I was worry more about other teams; but also seems not much competition in the sprints and others anyways. Because the ease for use to see what to do is also helping "the others" to counterstrike (but that seems pure theory in league 3)