formating using xp boot disk


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 11, 2004
hi, just a quick note, whats the difference between formating my hdd on ntfs , and formating hdd on ntfs (quick).....
A full format is required the first time. If it will let you do quick format, go that route. Otherwise a full format will take much more time, but if quick format isn't available, you will have to wait.
NT can always do a quick format. (Windows 9x always required a full format first however NT doesn't.) Note, that if you do wierd stuff you should always do a full format, (Like after having the hard disk being part of a raid array, you expect the drive might have bad sectors, etc...)

This was one of the features I demanded be left in the retail setup, since I got tired of slow formatting my 120GB drives during testing of setup.
regular format = format + scan for bad sectors
quick format = format
I didn't know you could quick format a new drive with NTFS, I always did full format. I guess that's legacy thinking from FAT days.

*kicks self in the ass, which isn't easy*
cool, thx, yea quick format is very fast indeed, it took me all and al, less den 30minz 2 to reformat and install windows on my 160gb IDE hdd, :)