Forget what *might* be, what do you *want* to be in the next gen?

i would like to see the next gen basicly just step it up a notch with perofrmance, i mean to me a console is just a cheap computer whos sole purpose is to play specific games, why not just improve the performance, keep the controls and step up the graphics and sound..

I would say, if that's all you're looking to do is change the visuals, what's the point? :)
In theory, sure...but with the plug/play ease and singular experience offered by a console. Once PC's can do that, we won't need consoles. It's been 20 years and we're still waiting.

I would say, if that's all you're looking to do is change the visuals, what's the point? :)
not just the visuals but i don't think console need a drastic overhaul, i just want consoles to keep up with computers in terms of graphics, sound, and performance...

not just the visuals but i don't think console need a drastic overhaul, i just want consoles to keep up with computers in terms of graphics, sound, and performance...

I can see your point, I just think if you're not going to do anything but up the graphics, there's no point :). What I'm looking for are new *kinds* of games instead of just rehashes though. If we could get both interfaceinnovations AND better graphics/sound, that'd be a Win/Win :)

I'd bet that if Wii'd been on par with 360 and PS3, graphically, you'd see a bigger migration of FPS players to that system, since the Wiimote is a MUCH better fps controller than analog sticks are, for example :)
I can see your point, I just think if you're not going to do anything but up the graphics, there's no point :). What I'm looking for are new *kinds* of games instead of just rehashes though. If we could get both interfaceinnovations AND better graphics/sound, that'd be a Win/Win :)

I'd bet that if Wii'd been on par with 360 and PS3, graphically, you'd see a bigger migration of FPS players to that system, since the Wiimote is a MUCH better fps controller than analog sticks are, for example :)

I think you are looking for a next gen Wii.. and maybe it will turn out like that but for me i dont want anything like the Wii, honestly i love the way consoles are, i really would just like it if they came out with an upgraded processor and video card for the xbox.. but i know that wont happen
I think you are looking for a next gen Wii.. and maybe it will turn out like that but for me i dont want anything like the Wii, honestly i love the way consoles are, i really would just like it if they came out with an upgraded processor and video card for the xbox.. but i know that wont happen

Believe me, I enjoy the heck out of my Xbox and PS3, but I also enjoy my Wii a lot, too. My thinking, though, is that it doesn't have to be "one or the other", I think we could have both new, innovative interfaces *and* classic interfaces, and see no reason why we shouldn't enjoy both, according to our preferences. :)
Believe me, I enjoy the heck out of my Xbox and PS3, but I also enjoy my Wii a lot, too. My thinking, though, is that it doesn't have to be "one or the other", I think we could have both new, innovative interfaces *and* classic interfaces, and see no reason why we shouldn't enjoy both, according to our preferences. :)

Im sure there is a way to do it, i have always been skeptikal to new things, im sure by the time they are ready to release the PS4 it will havea lot of new shit on it, but that will be a while
Mandatory 1920x1080 rendering (that will never happen though).
HD sound (Dolby True HD or DTS HD)

I want the Xbox NOT to have ads and a bunch of other crap on their dashboard.
Both consoles need to be Blu Ray players.
I would like the next Xbox natal to work as well as the one in their E3 product demo video.
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A standard that all Games for Windows Live games are cross platform with Xbox Live. I want to be able to buy the PC version and play with/against my Xbox friends.
What I want to see is much less greed and far more innovation. It's sad that you almost never see a random game that is just cool and different anymore. The video game business is stale, having grown stagnant from it's own success and apathy.

I want to see more Testers working and more refined coding. I want to see imaginative storytelling and something worth reaching for. I want to play with all of my friends whenever we choose. I want to hear less emptyness online and I want to feel something, anything, that will draw me in while reminding me how great my life is....that I was fortunate enough to live in this era of history is, magnificent.
There have been quite a few innovative/cool/different games released recently: Demon's Souls, LBP, Shadow Complex, Braid, World of Goo, etc.