Forceware & Overdooking


Mar 14, 2007
I noticed my windows index for my 6600Gt was 4.7 and that I was running the Standard WDDM drivers so I installed the latest forceware drivers now its 4.2, so much for that exercise!

However the card has just gone into this machine and on any old device I'd clocked it a bit so I thought i'd do that but I cannot figure out how! the older drivers were great for this but I just cannot figure out how to do this with this new control panel stuff. their definition of Advanced certainly is not mine!

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Did you download nTune?

PS: the .5 drop is due to nVidia's bad Vista drivers, ahahahahah, jk.
The new control panel is a pain in the arse. The easiest way to OC would be to use rivatuner ;)
I think the OP wanted to overdook his card. I say rub more dook on it, ;).
I'll have a look at rivatune, didn't get on with nTune when I used it on the last computer and my MotherBoard is not an Nforce one so most of it probably won't be much use anyway....

thanks for your help

(don't you just love inputing titles on a tablet, overdooking sounds great but it ain't what I thought I wrote!!!)