For you AGP Hold outs


with 2x AA and 4x AF there isn't much of a difference in 1158x854 compared to 1600x1200 on my 19" CRT because of it's size. I'd prefer the higher refresh rates and faster Framerate afforded by the lesser resolution. It's not like I haven't seen the higher resolutions...Computers are my job and hobby.

I have an HDTV projector at home native 720p, 100" wide projector screen. It's not like I just don't know what I'm missing???????

There was a blind study done lately at some audio/video website about 480p vs. 720p vs. 1080p vs. contrast ratio, vs. color depth

Out of these three characteristics about a display which do you think came in last?

Color depth/color quality
Contrast Ratio/shadow quality

Well, since your stuck reading my post ;) I'll tell you.
It was this order that the viewers voted as most important after blindly watching multiple sources.

2)Color Depth

Resolution isn't what the elite gamer makes it out to be. I'll see if I can locate that article and let you read the study for yourself.

Not the actual article/study, but a link that references it.

I was missing color accuracy - which still lands ahead of resolution

"How important is resolution?
Not as important as you might think. According to the Imaging Science Foundation, a group that consults for home-theater maufacturers and trains professional video calibrators, the most important aspect of picture quality is contrast ratio, the second most important is color saturation, and the third is color accuracy. Resolution comes in a distant fourth, despite being easily the most-talked-about HDTV spec today.
Sorry, but I gotta ask... In MY situation, should I upgrade?

I currently have a P4 3.0GHz OCed to 3.3GHz, 2 GB RAM, a OCed/SoftModded GeForce 6800 (128mb), dual screen Dell 2407/Sony 17" LCD running Vista. I use it to watch divx/xvid vids at 1920x1200 on the dell, along with some gaming (Guild Wars, UT 2004, HL2, etc). I am not sure if its a drivers issue with Vista, but I could use some help in the video playback area, especially when multi-tasking. I can get an average fps of 40 at 1920x1200 in Guild Wars, but it could be better... again, I am not sure if its the drivers or my card. For the other games, I want to get a decent fps on the dell screen, running it as close to native res as possible (I know its not possible at native res with my setup, something better than 1280x1024). I want to upgrade this computer enough so it will last me another year, and then I will probably build a new one...

Should I upgrade the vid card?

BTW: I got a 3dMarks score of 11990 at 1024x786 when I was running XP with this system. I haven't tested it with Vista.
how do your frames compare in Vista vs. XP?

I would gamble that your losing ~ 5 - 10 FPS just by running vista. That's been my exp anyway.

From a straight vanilla 6800 to a 7600GT....

For the money ? prolly not....unless you just have to have the faster card and don't have money to upgrade your system, in your case needing that high of a res I would probably think about upgrading your computer.

Aside: Your one of the guys I don't understand. Unless you bought that 2407 without knowing that native res LCD requirement.......Why have older hardware, but buy an LCD that requires the latest and greatest of everything in order to play your games? (native res) You forced yourself into a constant upgrade pattern and put a big hole in your pocket. That as I've mentioned is the main reason I've never gone LCD, I like the way they look, but I don't want forced to one resolution(especially 19xx x xxxx), where I have no flexibility on whether the graphics options can be all set to high or must be set to medium/low in order to play the game at a decent Framerate. Games look much better with all options turned on and a lower resolution than they do at uber resolutions with options turned down. I'm done beating that point into the ground now. :)

At any rate - go to tomshardware ---- look at their graphics comparison articles and see if you think that upgrade is worth your money. That one is going to boil down to personal choice. If you had a 6800GT I'd say no, but with a vanilla 6800 and your graphics requirements? It's gonna be your call. Me peronally, I'd prolly wait until the 8x series AGP card release and still keep your p4 setup and 2gb of ram.
Archaea said:
...but I don't want forced to one resolution(especially 19xx x xxxx)...

Some LCD panels (I believe Viewsonic has one) give you the black side bars (if the monitor's widescreen) thus still preserving the 4:3 aspect or whichever resolution you need.

And 8x series? Are you talking about nVidia? Cause I highly doubt nVidia would find making an AGP version of the 8000's worth it (unless they've already released an official statement about it).
people said that about the 7 series too.

There is enough of a desire for AGP cards that there will be an AGP 8 series card from nvidia.

AGP 4x is about the same speed as AGP 8x is about the same speed as PCI-E. There really is no reason that they can't make a Nvidia 8x series card for AGP and they'd be fools not to, cause they'd limit their market.
Eldest_One said:

considering the fact that its preety much sold out or on back order
unless you wanna spend 40- 50 bucks extra than you should at best buy
Shafted! said:
is that a racial dig at him?

Lol maybe but it applies to me too. Well no I would never call someone a noob for no reason and spell it n00b, except if I was making fun of people who do that. And people who do that play a lot of starcraft. It's the batleground where you earn the right to say "noob" to other people and make yourself feel better that you can beat someone at something, and then its hard for some people to stop being douchebags outside of the game. Just something I've noticed :D
ummm, its an agp card. its an ok deal. i saw a x1950 once on newegg a couple days ago. it was 280 i think. If you have a good deal to post, this is the place. There are other sub-forums for the current trend of this conversation.