Folding with 5870's in Crossfire, bridge on and CF enabled!


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2009
I can confirm that I have BOTH of my 5870's folding with the Crossfire bridge on AND enabled!

I followed this guide: as a basic reference

and it's pretty self explanatory:

the first shortcut you create is for GPU0(the main video card you use). When you right click and goto properties the Start In: should look like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\Folding@home-gpu" (I am using Win64 Pro for reference I believe the dir is slightly diff with XP as shown in the link above)
GPU0's shortcut Target should look like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\Folding@home-gpu\[email protected]" -forcegpu ati_r700 -gpu 0

GPU 1's shortcut Start In should look like this: C:\users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-gpu_1 (xxx representing whatever username you login to your PC as)
GPU 1's shortcut Target should read like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Folding@home\Folding@home-gpu\[email protected]" -local -forcegpu ati_r700 -gpu 1

When you create the 2nd shortcut using the -gpu 1 flag it is basically forcing the 2nd 5870 to use its GPU...I can ABSOLUTELY confirm this is working as it shows up within FAHMon properly...

so now I am using 7 cores on my VM, I am using the other core for GPU 0 and 1....
I also confirmed within MSI Afterburner that both of my Crossfired GPU's are being utilized..and each one hovers around 80% utilization.

I am watercooling and I am monitoring my temps and everything appears just fine...

That my ATI friends is how you rig it to work with Crossfire enabled AND being able to keep the Crossfire bridge attached!

not bad for a [H] folding noob 'eh?
Nice work. It wouldn't work for me. I'll give it another shot.
4000ppd on such a beastly card is sad... especially since my HD4870 gets a tad under 3000ppd and is roughly half as powerful. I can't wait until the next version of the GPU client. Hopefully that should bring ATI's F@H performance up to the same level as Nvidia's.
I hope so as well.

I don't have an ATI card, but my hope would be that we get a bunch of new members with a good ATI client and the members we do have (that have ATI) can get more out of it.

This is the one way I see us stopping EVGA's overtake in the near future.
I will try this on my 4890s asap. What driver version are you using, techlogoblin? I don't need the forcegpu flag but I use the gpu0 and gpu1 flags so it might work now.
4000ppd on such a beastly card is sad... especially since my HD4870 gets a tad under 3000ppd and is roughly half as powerful. I can't wait until the next version of the GPU client. Hopefully that should bring ATI's F@H performance up to the same level as Nvidia's.

not to mention I am not even on stock speeds

so it is really low in comparison
I wonder how long until the new GPU client is supposed to be out?
not to mention I am not even on stock speeds

so it is really low in comparison
I wonder how long until the new GPU client is supposed to be out?

We never really know before it shows up.... unless your on the beta team. They keep pretty quite too.
^^^^ Didn't the last Vjay note/blog about it mention something around early 2010 ?
4000ppd on such a beastly card is sad... especially since my HD4870 gets a tad under 3000ppd and is roughly half as powerful. I can't wait until the next version of the GPU client. Hopefully that should bring ATI's F@H performance up to the same level as Nvidia's.

Agreed. My OC'd 4850 gets ~2600ppd. My OC'd 9600GSO, which I got for $35 after rebate, gets ~3800ppd. I'm considering building a new system but since the rig spends much more time folding than gaming I'm cautious about getting any new AMD cards until I see what NVidia is coming out with.