Folding Badges


Jul 27, 2005
one thing i dont get is why some people hate the badges. i've seen a couple of posts in were people say...

-they are a waste of space and should be in the sig as a link
-look ugly
-calling them "insane Folding at Home badges"
-recruting tools

I think the sigs are great as other people can see how many points each other has and also in the other parts of the forum its like "ohh another folding, wattupp" :D. Yhy are they so insane? for me calling it a recruting tool would be right because thats how i found out about folding.

what do you guys think?

heres my badge
of course they are insane...have you been paying attention...look just at our mods :) and then the rest of the crew here :p

and everything else is a DUH...except for the ugly...they just jealous :)

I do find them annoying at times. The only time I post mine is in the DC forum when I feel it's warrented. I'd not going to post it not because it's more work than I feel like right now. :eek:
I post mine everywhere. I don't feel bad about it. Everyone else is just jealous that they haven't jumped on the DC bandwagon.

sandmanx said:
The only time I post mine is in the DC forum when I feel it's warrented.

My philosophy also. But I have never seen a post with anybody complaining about them. Where did you see this? Outside of DC?

Oh and another thing,

Maybe they should try the DC thing and come into the forum, and then they will see why we are proud to display our badges.

Because some people will complain about anything. Kyle could hand out free liquor and ice cream every day, and some people would still gripe about how they don't think there's enough selection.

Moose posted a thread in Gen May asking all [H]'ers why they did, or didn't fold, an informal poll if you will. All the typical responses, costs too much, kills hardware, and then a few people were griping about the badges. They thought it was a pain in the ass to quote someone when they posted their badge, and the ones that didn't like them, thought they were a waste of space. However we want to display them, display them proudly, Kyle said we could. :D

Badges are sexy, anyone who dosent like them (and dosent fold) can f off :p

I say they are badges of honor. Shows everyone else how much time and effort you've put towards the cause.

Oldie said:
Because some people will complain about anything. Kyle could hand out free liquor and ice cream every day, and some people would still gripe about how they don't think there's enough selection.

It would surprise you of the complaints we get sometimes. ;)
I just wish I knew the magic combination of whatever to make everyone happy.

We have great stats, a great forum and great badges yet people still find things to complain about.

Not a rant at all, just trying to understand why we seem to have the only forum where people do the most complaining.

This old folder gets a bit confused about it from time to time

sobe said:
Badges are sexy, anyone who dosent like them (and dosent fold) can f off :p

Yep, you are new enough to speak your mind !! Fold on young'un ! There are brethren with you :cool:
BillR said:
I just wish I knew the magic combination of whatever to make everyone happy.

We have great stats, a great forum and great badges yet people still find things to complain about.

Not a rant at all, just trying to understand why we seem to have the only forum where people do the most complaining.

This old folder gets a bit confused about it from time to time

It's done all the time at work too. Charts, graphics, and test show we need to do better. You just fix everything then after a few years all you have left is nit picks. Badges are great. Keep up the comentary. Who knows when the next great idea may come out. :cool:
I'd post mine on other boards too :D :D

(if they showed up - which they don't generally, due to the text being white :( )

YARDofSTUF said:
You guys have to manually add that to each post?
I thought the original rule about the badges said that we should only use them in the DC forum? So that's why we can't put those in our sigs? Not to mention the hit on the server if every single post by us has that. So we can add the badges in other forums now?

Flying Fox said:
I thought the original rule about the badges said that we should only use them in the DC forum? So that's why we can't put those in our sigs? Not to mention the hit on the server if every single post by us has that. So we can add the badges in other forums now?

No such rule ever existed, the badges are not just member accomplishments, they are also advertisement for [H]ard|Folding and the team projects.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire
i post my badge everytime i post and damn proud of it too, if anyone has a problem with it, then just...


im gonna get flamed for this...

how do you do a badge and show it here :(

edit : nvm...i got you can see im new :)

King_N said:
No such rule ever existed, the badges are not just member accomplishments, they are also advertisement for [H]ard|Folding and the team projects.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire
Then what was the reason why we can't have it in our sigs?

Flying Fox said:
Then what was the reason why we can't have it in our sigs?

It's a global forum rule that Kyle established regarding sigs:

[H]ard|Forum Rules said:
(22) No active links, graphics, code, profanity or advertising allowed in the SIGNATURE. Sig line is limited to 10 lines total as viewed @ 800 x 600 resolution or no more that 15 words per line.
I'm guessing that it's because it would be impossible to allow folding badges but not other images in sigs. It's probably a vBulletin setting.

Flying Fox said:
Then what was the reason why we can't have it in our sigs?

Images are not allowed in sigs as per the rules, this is because Kyle does not want his forum to look like the other tech forums out there with thousands of different dynamically generated images, the [H]ard|Folding badges are the only dynamic image Kyle allows on this forum.

The images in sigs are shut off via a flag in the forum admin, the *only* way to make the badges available in the sigs would be;

1) Have Kyle hack into and recode the internal forum code to allow images produced directly from [H]ard|Folding exclusivly, thus blocking all other images.


2) Set the flag so that any image can be placed in the sig.

Neither is a viable option, so the badges have to be placed in the body instead.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire