flicker in gaming


Aug 3, 2006
I have a question for all you brains out there. I Just built a new setup. everything works fine, but when I load a game (BF 2142 & BF2), at the login screen, i get screen flickering and artifacts. I thought it was the videocard so I returned and tried another one. Still got the flickering. Tried 3 different models of boards and yet again, flickering! As of right now i'm running a brand new motherboard (evga i680) and brand new videocard (7900gs), is it possible that my CPU is ******ping out? It is a E6400. Or could it be the backplane of my HSF is too tight and its pinching the capacitors on the back of the motherboard? Any help would be great.

oh also i forgot to mention that it's intermittent. If i get flickering, sometimes if i turn the PC off for like a few minutes and boot back up. When i go to play games again, i'll be perfect. no problems. I also noticed that when I benchmark it, it is EXTREMELY choppy with low scores.
Looks like no takers huh... Well I just flash bios on my motherboard and haven't seen any reoccurances so maybe its fixed. we'll see
Should've kept your panties on and give Nvidia some time to work all the bugs out... :eek:
Sure, it's a nice mobo feature-wise, but then again it's not Intel chipset... :eek:
I've waited ~6 months before I got my DS3 and read plenty of posts regarding it's performance and possible issues... I had none, but I've should have waited a bit more as I'm seeing reports of the C2 revision of the chipset on DS3's and it looks like it's got more overclocking head-room...
i680 is probably the best Nvidia chipset to the date (previous once sucked, especially for overclocking), but it seems like all the people that went out and got them right away are now finding out issues with some video cards, sound cards, etc...
Sometimes you just gotta sit one out... :cool:

BTW, go to www.xtremesystems.org/forums and see what other i680 users are dealing with.