Flash-based MP3 player with EXPANSION SLOT? (Sorry for crosspost)


Feb 18, 2004
This is doing my head in. For the past few weeks I've been looking for an EXPANDABLE portable flash MP3 player, with a line-in jack.

I've previously relied on mates recording the sets whenever I play out with their Minidiscs. I then have to wait for them to rip and encode the files to post on the net, as I have not got and do not need a Minidisc player. This, as you can imagine, gets very tedious, very quickly.

Now, I remember a few years ago the majority of portable MP3 players had MMC/Compactflash expansion slots (probably because flash memory was still expensive and the players all had 32MB built-in). However, the only ones I have managed to find now are a couple from the MPIO range: http://www.mpio.com/goods/mp3player.php

And surprise surprise, the one that has both features I need (DMB Plus) cant be found for sale, and the rest have either expansion or line-in, not both.

The reason I need expansion is that I loathe paying over the odds for a player over 128MB (that I'll probably lose within time anyway), and will need to record 5-10 1 hour long sets a night which even at 128K/s have no chance of fitting on even 256MB player.

So, has anyone come across a portable player that a) has a line-in socket, b) has expandable memory, and c) is available to buy?

Many thanks in advance!

Sorry for the crosspost, realised Mobile Computing isn't the ideal place for this.