Fixing message

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Aug 2, 2007
I know this has been posted, but I would like to express how important an issue this is...

I don't even want to go to these forums anymore because of how often I get this message. Its getting beyond extremely annoying.

And I don't mean to be an asshole... good luck fixing the forum.
What seems to be the problem? I get this message every 30 minutes.

I can't even keep in contact with my buyers or sellers because I can't access my PM box.
I am getting this message frequently too, about every 20-30 minutes. However, I don't think its going to stop me from visiting the forums
TIP for those that can't live without [H] and also to help the site admin's track the issue down

if is showing fixing use:

if is showing fixing use:

90% of the time this gets me back in. VERY odd problem but hey
This doesn't work for everyone. Some people report that both addys show "fixing."

I haven't seen the fixing message at all for a couple of days.
I had the fixing message most of this morning and a good part of yesterday evening. Tried both addresses with no luck:(
I'm getting the "fixing" message right now.. so I use the http:// versus the http://www to get back in.. but sometimes I have to do it the other way around. :p Anyway, I get it all throughout the day, every day, practically every single time I try visiting the forums.
I just got an even worse one "Database Error" like an IE page, not even branded by the forum.

WTF is going on?!?!!?

Yeah, I'm not gonna stop comming but i'm PO'd that 1/3 - 2/3 of the time I come here I get the "fixing" error. Worse is it's eaten countless posts I've tried to make! it *has* made me come less, I'm not gonna lie, and I'm sure a lot of newer or less intensive users are saying 'screw this ill go elsewhere' whatever needs fixing, I sure hope you get it fixed soon!
yeah its kind of embarrassing when I suggest to people that this is the best tech forum yet its not even working when they try to access it. it seems like every few weeks the forum just shits itself for some reason or another.
This site as I recall worked pretty flawless for years until recently. We are talking probably years. This sites database is massive and requires a lot to keep up. Stuff happens and they are working there ass off to make it good for us.

Stuff happens, and they are trying to fix it.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know the actual databases size for this place, would be a neat little fact to know.
This site as I recall worked pretty flawless for years until recently. We are talking probably years. This sites database is massive and requires a lot to keep up. Stuff happens and they are working there ass off to make it good for us.

Stuff happens, and they are trying to fix it.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know the actual databases size for this place, would be a neat little fact to know.
you have a very poor memory if you think this site has worked flawlessly for years. it goes through periods of database issues every few months. people dont usually complain too much because its an easy way to get ban or so I hear. ;)
We are aware of the issues. If any of you are Vbulletin professionals and would like to consult. Our door is open.
This site as I recall worked pretty flawless for years until recently. We are talking probably years. This sites database is massive and requires a lot to keep up. Stuff happens and they are working there ass off to make it good for us.

Stuff happens, and they are trying to fix it.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know the actual databases size for this place, would be a neat little fact to know.

have a look at the gentoo forums :D:D
been up ages, none of these stability issues. Maybe vbullitin doesn't scale well
honestly i don't understand why anyone pays for vbulletin when phpBB 3.0 is available and open source. The support community is far superior, imho.

Regardless, i love the site and can wait patiently till things get fixed.
Yeah - I hope this gets fixed, too. I am also experiencing severe slowdowns on the forums lately.
honestly i don't understand why anyone pays for vbulletin when phpBB 3.0 is available and open source. The support community is far superior, imho.

I use e107 for my site, and it has phpBB integrated! I've noticed that phpBB is one of the most popular forum programs available. Also it seems to have the most features...
Actually what might not be a bad idea is to post a general info of what the issue is, unless you know it's something within VBulletin itself already...
I personally will never program *Anything* (Just not what I do) but I know there's a bunch of great programmers around here.

Sounds like a great idea that has never worked before. The fact of the matter is that there are very few people with vBulletine expertise with forums our size.
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