Fixing an LCD Televison

Format _C:

Jun 12, 2001
I was just given a problematic Toshiba Regeza 32hl67 with a power on problem
As soon I plug in the TV it tries to turn on and it will turn of and then turn right back off (Within the matter of 10 Seconds) the same thing happens if I press the power button during that sequence I see a yellow LED that flashes 3 times and a green LED on for about 3 seconds (The whole sequence is about 10 seconds)

I took the back off the TV and I don't see any bulged capacitors (Can a capacitor be bad with out looking bulged?)

Could be a relay. My now near six year old Sharp 32" LCD had a problem with its relay that made it turn itself off just like you're describing.

Said problem also occurred within the first few months of ownership, too - ever since it was fixed it's run like a top. *knocks on wood*

It was covered under warranty, but if it hadn't been it would have been about a 150-200 dollar job with parts and labor. Also, it's quite possible your TV has a Samsung panel, some of which are notorious for shitty caps. Just type "Samsung clicking TV" into Youtube and you'll find self-repair videos.
It sounds like you're getting a diagnostic code from those flashes.
// actually, never mind. I looked up the manual, and three yellow flashes mean "powering up"

It might also be something wrong with the backlight inverter or the backlight itself--I've seen a lot of tvs and monitors that shut themselves down if something is wrong with the inverter or backlight.

Yes, capacitors can be bad while looking ok. I highly recommend taking a trip over to the badcaps forums--the people over there are both knowledgeable and helpful.
I found a similar TV on eBay (With a cracked screen) the person was selling all of the circuit boards in one lot for the same price that I could of gotten just one board for so I bought it and I replaced the power supply board and now the TV works great
For a while I was gung-ho about repairing TVs. I've found that almost invariably the part that fails is the power supply.

Just search for one on Ebay (or one with a broken panel) and swap it out.