First Quake 4 MP Screenshots and Videos!

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Not very good videos. The guy only shoots one weapon that I can count. Well, he shoots two but the seconds one is right into the wall. The game looks like Q3 so I am sure I will buy it.
[Fate]Doom said:
Looks okay I guess.

If it is simply just a run n' gun nothing special shooter Ill be passing on it.

I have no tolerance for 2005 graphics with 1995 gameplay. (example Doom 3)
it will be.

ID relies entirely on the Mod makers to build their games for them.

Q4 will suck, because people are tired of buying ID graphics-engines and then waiting/hoping for months/years for some cool mods to come out of it.

Whether you like the game or not, UT2k7 will come out with TONS of different gametypes, and they will continue to add more.

Quake 4, like in Doom 3 and Quake 3, will come out with a BASIC version of a deathmatch shooter, with no innovation in gameplay, weapons or anything.

Think back...How many times did you play Quake 3 without loading some kind of mod for it?

Answer: Maybe the first day.
This game is looking kick ass. :cool: I wish I could be the guy at Id who get to play the damn game on LAN. :p
KingPariah777 said:
it will be.

ID relies entirely on the Mod makers to build their games for them.

Q4 will suck, because people are tired of buying ID graphics-engines and then waiting/hoping for months/years for some cool mods to come out of it.

Whether you like the game or not, UT2k7 will come out with TONS of different gametypes, and they will continue to add more.

Quake 4, like in Doom 3 and Quake 3, will come out with a BASIC version of a deathmatch shooter, with no innovation in gameplay, weapons or anything.

Think back...How many times did you play Quake 3 without loading some kind of mod for it?

Answer: Maybe the first day.

Funny when people make statements about "what people are tired of." I love id games. I don't ONLY love id games, but I don't get tired of them. I like to be able to sit down, jump into a totally immediate game, and be able to put it down whenever I like. I like a game that is pure twitch/reflex oriented on occasion. I also like huge complicated RPGs, and tactical shooters as well. That doesn't mean the arcade-like style of id games is any less valuable. I don't know anyone personally that doesn't look forward to every game they release. The game looks perfect from what I've seen. The perfect blend of the best Quake multiplayer and the best Quake single player. And if you like Quake games, I still don't see how this game will be able to disappoint. If you don't like id games at all, then this game is quite obviously not for you. My point is, they have a huge fan-base, and there will be plenty of other people to buy this game if you don't. I still play all Quake/Doom/Wolfenstein games to this day. (as well as the Hexen and Heretic series which I'd also like new additions to)

I have a theory that it's just "cool" right now to call id games tech demos. I'm pretty sure at least half the people repeating this stuff, secretly enjoy a good game of Doom or Quake.
ScretHate said:
Anyone see a similarity?

Yes. I haven't played any Quake games but I definitly see the UT2K4 rocket launcher and lightning gun and similar UT ripper and pulse guns. Not saying who inspired who first, just saying they look pretty damn close. :Edit: After watching the Fatal1ty video, the lady mentions a Lighting Gun- has there always been one in Quake??

Banko said:
Anyone else see a similarity?



Like I said, Ive never played a Quake game but this one will definitely be my first. Ive been playing and loving UT games for years now but UT2K7 is going in a newb direction. :\

I can run Doom3 allright, I hope I can run this game too. Let the "Can my pc handle Quake4" threads BEGIN!!

Oh yeah, Quake 4 SP doesn't ok so hot... or fun for the matter.
There is a lightning gun in quake and quake3, as for performance, if you can run doom3/expansion alright you should be alright for quake4. (Or so the saying goes)
I don't think I'd ever knock a game for having similar weapons to another game. I mean really how many different guns have ever been thought up. You've got your blade launchers, missile launchers, powder based projectiles, energy beams, energy bursts, etc. id and Epic have had similarities since the early days. As well as any other FPS that's ever come along. Besides, they're all modelled after various vacuum cleaners anyway. :D

Weapon similarities has to be the weakest argument I've seen as an excuse for people to complain about this game.

Oh, and once again, I'm going to say that that rotating blade weapon looks like the gauntlet from Q3A, not like the RazorJack. If that blade shoots, then I'll happily take that back, but I think it's a melee weapon. (basing this off of Q3A)

I didn't hear anyone complaining when Halflife 2 included the Gravity Gun and big saw blades. "That sucks, it's just like the Razorjack!!" :rolleyes:
Definantly getting quake 4 now since they are sticking to the quake 3 flavor :).
KingPariah777 said:
it will be.

ID relies entirely on the Mod makers to build their games for them.

Q4 will suck, because people are tired of buying ID graphics-engines and then waiting/hoping for months/years for some cool mods to come out of it.

Whether you like the game or not, UT2k7 will come out with TONS of different gametypes, and they will continue to add more.

Quake 4, like in Doom 3 and Quake 3, will come out with a BASIC version of a deathmatch shooter, with no innovation in gameplay, weapons or anything.

Think back...How many times did you play Quake 3 without loading some kind of mod for it?

Answer: Maybe the first day.
Again, that is why UT2k4 is hardly being played now, they blow. All the fans of UT99, just wanted new graphics, with UT99 gameplay, no one wanted Onslaught or anything, and UT99 has more players then 2k4!
no offense to anyone but the game looks boring. They have all been the same, doom, quake, and unreal all look the same. nothing changes except for graphics wise. I wont be buying this game. I guess im more of a realistic FPS game type. but to everyone else enjoy.
[Fate]Doom said:
Looks okay I guess.

If it is simply just a run n' gun nothing special shooter Ill be passing on it.

I have no tolerance for 2005 graphics with 1995 gameplay. (example Doom 3)

Why mess with a proven and successful formula? If it's not broken, don't fix it.

The only thing that theoretically was 'broken' about QIII was no singleplayer...and viola! What do we have now?
Banko said:
Again, that is why UT2k4 is hardly being played now, they blow. All the fans of UT99, just wanted new graphics, with UT99 gameplay, no one wanted Onslaught or anything, and UT99 has more players then 2k4!
Yes, and Super Mario Brothers had a BILLION TIMES the number of players than UT99 :rolleyes:

Not to derail this thread any more than it already is, but you are bitching about a game that is nearly seven fucking years old. There are probably members of this forum that weren't even alive when that game first came out, so keep dreaming about the good old days when first person shooters were a competition to see who had the best key-binds. They removed cheap gameplay from UT2k3 and now you suck...get over it.

People are excited about Quake 4 because all of you lame rail gun whores can't play point-and-click duck hunt without shelling out 50 dollars for an ID software 3d engine instead of a game.
KingPariah777 said:
Yes, and Super Mario Brothers had a BILLION TIMES the number of players than UT99 :rolleyes:

Not to derail this thread any more than it already is, but you are bitching about a game that is nearly seven fucking years old. There are probably members of this forum that weren't even alive when that game first came out, so keep dreaming about the good old days when first person shooters were a competition to see who had the best key-binds. They removed cheap gameplay from UT2k3 and now you suck...get over it.

People are excited about Quake 4 because all of you lame rail gun whores can't play point-and-click duck hunt without shelling out 50 dollars for an ID software 3d engine instead of a game.
Umm, no currently UT99 still has more people playing it, then they do UT2K4. Actually 2k3/4 were quite easy compared to UT99 where you actually needed skill.
Banko said:
Umm, no currently UT99 still has more people playing it, then they do UT2K4. Actually 2k3/4 were quite easy compared to UT99 where you actually needed skill.

Umm NO. I'm not sure about it currently actually, but as of a month ago, UT2k3 had more people playing it than ut99 and ut2k4 had more than both combined. I remember seeing some chart but I cant find it now. =(

All the tards that stayed in ut99 were the ones who thought they had skills but not really cuz they couldnt pick them up in a newer game.
KingPariah777 said:
People are excited about Quake 4 because all of you lame rail gun whores can't play point-and-click duck hunt without shelling out 50 dollars for an ID software 3d engine instead of a game.

Did Quake shit in your wheaties this morning?! Everyone has personal preference in which FPS game and engine they like playing. Just because you have some personal grief over quake, doesn't mean everyone here even cares about your thread-crapping, "UT PWNS" ignorant opinions... For you, UT is your beautiful, precious little baby, and we all understand that... Perhaps calling quake fans "lame" and "whores" isn't the most tactful way to show you aren't a complete meathead looking to vent on a thread celebrating the upcoming release of the next Quake game. Once again, I'd like to mention that if the thread pisses you off, do you really need to start posting JUST to flame? Looking back at the rest of your posts, it seems you are contributing to some pointless UT vs Quake arguement that everyone has seen more than 10 times by now on this forum... What? you going to hit the video card forum and start tearing into to video card company you hate the most? It wouldn't surprise me :)

I'd like to think we are all over these futile arguements on which games owns which game, so if we all can't let our opinions be known in a civilized manner... don't bother talking. I for one, will eat my words... and some wheaties... you know wheaties is one of the best cereals imo...

the@ntipop said:
QFT x 2!!!!!!!! I just hope Q4 won't be too much harder to run than Doom 3. Remember Jedi Knight 2? It ran WAY worse than Q3 did...

Odd, JK2 always ran much better than Q3 for me. But I just hope Q4 and ET:QW both get popular--I plan on 0wning both :D

I'm really excited for Q4, it looks to be everything Doom 3 promised it would be, and then some.
Banko said:
Again, that is why UT2k4 is hardly being played now, they blow. All the fans of UT99, just wanted new graphics, with UT99 gameplay, no one wanted Onslaught or anything, and UT99 has more players then 2k4!
No it does not. These stats supposedly do not count bots.
ojax said:
Did Quake shit in your wheaties this morning?! Everyone has personal preference in which FPS game and engine they like playing. Just because you have some personal grief over quake, doesn't mean everyone here even cares about your thread-crapping, "UT PWNS" ignorant opinions... For you, UT is your beautiful, precious little baby, and we all understand that... Perhaps calling quake fans "lame" and "whores" isn't the most tactful way to show you aren't a complete meathead looking to vent on a thread celebrating the upcoming release of the next Quake game. Once again, I'd like to mention that if the thread pisses you off, do you really need to start posting JUST to flame? Looking back at the rest of your posts, it seems you are contributing to some pointless UT vs Quake arguement that everyone has seen more than 10 times by now on this forum... What? you going to hit the video card forum and start tearing into to video card company you hate the most? It wouldn't surprise me :)

I'd like to think we are all over these futile arguements on which games owns which game, so if we all can't let our opinions be known in a civilized manner... don't bother talking. I for one, will eat my words... and some wheaties... you know wheaties is one of the best cereals imo...


Please go get someone jizz on your face.
Staples said:
No it does not. These stats supposedly do not count bots.
If you look at the names in the past 31 days, UT has more players, so for the past month, more people have played.
LogicSound said:
no offense to anyone but the game looks boring. They have all been the same, doom, quake, and unreal all look the same. nothing changes except for graphics wise. I wont be buying this game. I guess im more of a realistic FPS game type. but to everyone else enjoy.

You're expecting too much. Give it a chance.
Mr. Stryker said:
You're expecting too much. Give it a chance.

How is he expecting to much? He is right ya know...every FPS since UT has been the same thing + graphical updates.
ojax said:
Did Quake shit in your wheaties this morning?! Everyone has personal preference in which FPS game and engine they like playing. Just because you have some personal grief over quake, doesn't mean everyone here even cares about your thread-crapping, "UT PWNS" ignorant opinions... For you, UT is your beautiful, precious little baby, and we all understand that... Perhaps calling quake fans "lame" and "whores" isn't the most tactful way to show you aren't a complete meathead looking to vent on a thread celebrating the upcoming release of the next Quake game. Once again, I'd like to mention that if the thread pisses you off, do you really need to start posting JUST to flame? Looking back at the rest of your posts, it seems you are contributing to some pointless UT vs Quake arguement that everyone has seen more than 10 times by now on this forum... What? you going to hit the video card forum and start tearing into to video card company you hate the most? It wouldn't surprise me :)

I'd like to think we are all over these futile arguements on which games owns which game, so if we all can't let our opinions be known in a civilized manner... don't bother talking. I for one, will eat my words... and some wheaties... you know wheaties is one of the best cereals imo...

and this post is completely on topic as well. :rolleyes: GG, asshole
I have been playing quake since quake. Trust me this game is going to rock just like quake did and quake 2 (the best game ever) and quake 3 and now, quake 4. Oh yeah i love the screens and videos . For all you unreal jerks, Unreal started out as a quake 2 clone thats right it even ran off a quake engine. Quake came first and started all this super fast mp action with instant gib guns (rail gun,Rocket launcher,ect) Then came unreal yeah i bought it and played it but never felt it could hold a light to quake in any form or way. The rail gun was the best gun ever in history and im glad there still going to bring it in quake 4 cant wait. Unreal is a good seires but quake started it all and if you dont belive me buy your self a copy of quake 2 and tell me there not the same in action and style of play. Rocket jumps,gernade rocket jumps, Strafe jumps, bunny hopping all started with quake little boys. Oh yeah i dont ever remember there being a unrealcon hahahahaha HAIL QUAKE IT SHALL RULE FOR ALL ETERNITY 666.
Ok, this thread has gone batty.

The game looks great. I can't think of any Id games that weren't great IMO. I played the original UT and UT2k3 and both were fun games. They are different games, but still good nonetheless. Unreal has taken so many ideas from quake and vice-versa. The lightning rifle was in the ORIGINAL quake. It reappeared in quake 3. To say Id took the idea from a game that was released AFTER theres by a few years is rediculous.

UT will be a good series with a VERY loyal fanbase. Quake IS a great series with a great fanbase.

Lets not forget our roots though. Without Quake 1 the modding community might never have even started. Thats right, the game that started the series STARTED game modding. You wouldn't have the mods today if it wasn't for Id software and allowing that to be possible. It amazes me that so many of you are badmouthing quake 4. If you don't like what you see now, DON'T BUY IT. Don't waste my time by posting in threads about the game IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE GAME!!!!! You are only posting to read your own words. Grow up and move on.
sabbycon said:
I have been playing quake since quake. Trust me this game is going to rock just like quake did and quake 2 (the best game ever) and quake 3 and now, quake 4. Oh yeah i love the screens and videos . For all you unreal jerks, Unreal started out as a quake 2 clone thats right it even ran off a quake engine. Quake came first and started all this super fast mp action with instant gib guns (rail gun,Rocket launcher,ect) Then came unreal yeah i bought it and played it but never felt it could hold a light to quake in any form or way. The rail gun was the best gun ever in history and im glad there still going to bring it in quake 4 cant wait. Unreal is a good seires but quake started it all and if you dont belive me buy your self a copy of quake 2 and tell me there not the same in action and style of play. Rocket jumps,gernade rocket jumps, Strafe jumps, bunny hopping all started with quake little boys. Oh yeah i dont ever remember there being a unrealcon hahahahaha HAIL QUAKE IT SHALL RULE FOR ALL ETERNITY 666.
Umm, Unreal never used the Quake engine. God what idiots I swear.
BoogerBomb said:
Quake 3 all over again. I was hoping for some Quake 2 MP style action. Q3 blew goat nuts and was made for juvenile delinquents. Should be called UT:Q4.

Looks like I will be sticking to single player only for Doom4, oops i meant Quake4.

AMEN to that!
HRslammR said:
having played quake 4 at quakecon, i can honestly tell you it's like they took quake 3 and put the doom 3 engine on it. smooth and quick and fast paced. awesome stuff.

And that kinda news makes me sad :(. I am a huge q2 fan, q3 was pure shit.

Do you know if they had a CTF option? Was it played? Was there a grapple???????/
From the looks of it, no chain gun =(. I just hope they have CTF with the 4 runes, then I may give it a go, q3 ctf was a complete joke and still is.
v6maro said:
From the looks of it, no chain gun =(. I just hope they have CTF with the 4 runes, then I may give it a go, q3 ctf was a complete joke and still is.
As usual, you think that ID software created the game, not the modders.

People, PLEASE stop forgetting what LITTLE ID gives you when you buy a game...its a GRAPHICS ENGINE, nothing else.

The Mod community makes these games what they are, not John "Spaceman" Carmack.
Q3 deathmatch was good and Q3CTF was excellent too. The only problem with Q3 is that it's too aim based and less strategy based like Q2. But either way i think it's going to be way better than what Doom 3 had to offer in terms of gameplay. I think developers should realise by now that creating an SP game without a solid MP component is not good enough by today's standards.

My only concerns with the game now are:

1. Single player still looks too dark
2. Will it run smoothly on a mid range machine? Cause that's what most people have.
3. Will it be easy for the mod community to create good content?
4. Is there extra MP gameplay other than just DM and CTF?

Let's just hope the game will rock.
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