First Quake 4 MP Screenshots and Videos!

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the@ntipop said:
Quit bothering to convince OTL of anything. He obviously wants to think the game is already a bust. If that's how he is determined to be, more power to him. There's at least one of him for every cool game on the horizon...

Very true.
The quad damage effect looks very similar to amp damage from 2k3. The look of the weapons also seem inspired from 2k3. Seriously, did they hire some of Epic's people?
Sizer said:
The quad damage effect looks very similar to amp damage from 2k3. The look of the weapons also seem inspired from 2k3. Seriously, did they hire some of Epic's people?

You do know quad damage was in Quake III as well...with the same blue glowing effect?? :rolleyes:
for the record, I am exciting about this game and can't wait for it to come out. As for the complainers, IT'S NOT EVEN OUT!!!!!!!!!!

P.S I love doom 3 and still play it to this day.
Those videos look pretty good. They're obviously going for the look and feel of Quake3 and I reckon that's a good thing.

Though I never got into playing the quake games online I thoroughly enjoyed the bots and lan aspect of the game. I did always really like the fast paced responsiveness that Quake3 offered. No other fps game comes close to it in this respect. The later unreal games (2k3, 2k4) just have a slightly slower pace and also have an annoying but slight trigger firing delay (please don't argue this, you're wrong, k? k....). Though having said that, Quake2 was just flat out criminal in this respect.
While you guys argue and bicker Quake vs Unreal, I am going to continue playing and enjoying them BOTH!

(but for the record, Q3 is by far the best deathmatch game ever made. :D UT200x is kinda spammy)

I would continue playing Q3 to my death except its kinda dying... after 6 years. Needs fresh players and renewed interest, which I hope Q4 brings to the game.

I am really looking forward to quake4. This should be an awesome game! I hope they include some sort of straife jumping. There is just something satisfying with the way you run around and straife jump in quake3.

as far as I am concerned, this is the last BIG deathmatch game to come out for a while. Sure, Unreal 3 engine is still on the horizon, but I bet thats more than a year away. For those who love deathmatch and looking for a new game, THIS IS IT!!!. Buy it, play it, enjoy it. etc. I have my copy on pre-order (overnight shipping, of course. ;) )
HRslammR said:
having played quake 4 at quakecon, i can honestly tell you it's like they took quake 3 and put the doom 3 engine on it. smooth and quick and fast paced. awesome stuff.

AWESOME!! Thats the way i wanted it!! :D
All I know is that if it doesn't run on my 9800pro, I'm fucked.
garro1 said:
You do know quad damage was in Quake III as well...with the same blue glowing effect?? :rolleyes:

Your eyes fail you. The Quake 3 quad looked waaaay different - a very distinct blue lightning. This looks just like the amp from 2k3 except a slightly lighter purple/pink.
Sizer said:
Your eyes fail you. The Quake 3 quad looked waaaay different - a very distinct blue lightning. This looks just like the amp from 2k3 except a slightly lighter purple/pink.

It's the SAME effect. You can see the lightning in this vid. The only difference is that it may be a slightly different hue, and is a tad bit 'creamier' than the 'crisp' lightning effect in Q3.
the reason why it is so light is because they disabled dynamic shadows (and player models have no shadows, not even faked ones.) Also to me the textures look sorta low res. BTW I played it at Quakecon, I'm not going off the videos :p
spIdeZ said:
the reason why it is so light is because they disabled dynamic shadows (and player models have no shadows, not even faked ones.) Also to me the textures look sorta low res. BTW I played it at Quakecon, I'm not going off the videos :p

It still features dynamic shadows (pic).... And it's light because that's the environment/atmosphere they want. D3 is not limited by this "darkness" plague. Take a look at Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, bright as day outside.

Hollenshead has said that the Xbox 360 version is using all of the same assets as the PC version, but running at a slightly lower poly count.

There are stories of new software builds and actual chips to install into the machine being sent directly to developers. While nobody around the show was willing to go on record, word has it that the development of the Xbox 360 is advancing at a breakneck pace. Raffel laughs, "It looks like the hardware vendors are dealing with the kind of insane crunches software developers have been."
pc = ftw
Well i'lve been playing since wolf too... and ut has kicked quakes ass every here and they will again this year. Ut2007 Gonna be whopping q4 ass. OWNED

I CAN"T WAIT for quake 4 to come out for everyone will finaly see that ut owns it once and for all.
Ron1jed said:
Well i'lve been playing since wolf too... and ut has kicked quakes ass every here and they will again this year. Ut2007 Gonna be whopping q4 ass. OWNED

I CAN"T WAIT for quake 4 to come out for everyone will finaly see that ut owns it once and for all.
Moron. The only good UT was UT99, and that's cause I still play it to this day, and hell I even play Rocket Arena 3 for Q3 to this day. I will say one thing UT2K3 and 2K4 blew ass. UT2K7 looks more like graphics ahead of gameplay bullshit that 2k3 and 2k4 were.
Banko said:
Moron. The only good UT was UT99, and that's cause I still play it to this day, and hell I even play Rocket Arena 3 for Q3 to this day. I will say one thing UT2K3 and 2K4 blew ass. UT2K7 looks more like graphics ahead of gameplay bullshit that 2k3 and 2k4 were.

Tru.dat, ut99 was a really engrossing game for me. Then they bring out 2003-2004 and it seemed like the game just totally changed. Ive tried reinstalling 2004 a few times but end up uninstalling it hours later, just bores the hell out of me. Seems to lack the pace of quake 3 or something.
Well listen here fools. I'm the ut master. I played ut99 for years. I'm a uber ut geek. Ut99 will forever be the best. Ut2003 wasn't that good. But 2004 wasn't bad. Wasn't a ut99...but it was pretty good. Ut 2004 basicly took quake's rl and "rail run" and faster movements. Ut2004 was a mix of quake and ut. Anways

Q4 will blow. Everyone wil play ut2007.
Ron1jed said:
I CAN"T WAIT for quake 4 to come out for everyone will finaly see that ut owns it once and for all.

What makes you think it will change anyones OPINION to match yours? moron :rolleyes:
Ron1jed said:
Well listen here fools. I'm the ut master. I played ut99 for years. I'm a uber ut geek. Ut99 will forever be the best. Ut2003 wasn't that good. But 2004 wasn't bad. Wasn't a ut99...but it was pretty good. Ut 2004 basicly took quake's rl and "rail run" and faster movements. Ut2004 was a mix of quake and ut. Anways

Q4 will blow. Everyone wil play ut2007.

Give this child with his crystal ball a cookie, or a kick in the groin whaever you prefer. :eek:
Ron1jed said:
Well listen here fools. I'm the ut master. I played ut99 for years. I'm a uber ut geek. Ut99 will forever be the best. Ut2003 wasn't that good. But 2004 wasn't bad. Wasn't a ut99...but it was pretty good. Ut 2004 basicly took quake's rl and "rail run" and faster movements. Ut2004 was a mix of quake and ut. Anways

Q4 will blow. Everyone wil play ut2007.
Yes, I played UT99 since day one of the demo, and I still play it to this day and am still competitive in it, 2k3/4 just blew compared to 99.
I saw the one video and it looked slow and like squad combat. Boo. Everyone says it's fast but it looked slow. Hopefully it's better than that.
*takes a bite of my cookie* Listen all u quake queers. (ohh it rymes. or something) U will all see that I am right. I have always been right. But no one will admit it. Quake will bomb. I bet everything i own on it. Soooooo ya i bet nothing....
Looks okay I guess.

If it is simply just a run n' gun nothing special shooter Ill be passing on it.

I have no tolerance for 2005 graphics with 1995 gameplay. (example Doom 3)
well said. I like ut cuse they are always coming up wiht fun new ideas. Even if they have to steal them from otehr games....I dunno adter watch that fat vidoe i have lost ALL intertest in playing this game. This is my last post about quake 4. As that cop from south park woudl say "nothing to see here. Move along"
Well from the looks of it they weren't lieing in the interview they had months ago. Quake II single player story line and QUake 3 - like Multiplayer. This is going to be very very bad ass. Thank god I just got ordered my upgrades for my computer.
imho i want quake 4 to have similiarities to quake2 and 3 but i don't want to have the same exact feeling.. because for me that would defeat the whole purpose of buying it. Who needs another version of quake 2 or quake 3? :)

uhh.. well if that made any sense. :p
garro1 said:
It still features dynamic shadows (pic).... And it's light because that's the environment/atmosphere they want. D3 is not limited by this "darkness" plague. Take a look at Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, bright as day outside.


Well I'm playing Quake 4 at Quakecon and I can tell you that there are no player shadows :rolleyes: It might be enabled in the final version, but it isn't here.
spIdeZ said:
Well I'm playing Quake 4 at Quakecon and I can tell you that there are no player shadows :rolleyes: It might be enabled in the final version, but it isn't here.

Check your video/graphic settings. Maybe someone fooled around with them? Because in the SP trailer you can see them as well. I guess they just didn't put them in MP yet.
Looks like GLQuake, nothing more.

If the gameplay doesn't improve BIG TIME from doom 3 and quake 3, I will be playing the demo only and paying my money for the next installment of Unreal Tournament.
I've extensively played all UT and quake games... Everyone has their opinion on which they like more.. they are both solid FPS games imo.. I have always prefered quake over UT simply because of physics and movement and weapons. I still play quake 3 or some q3 mod to this day, and from what I have seen so far, Im really excited about the next quake game. This will also have single-player, something I've been waiting for since after quake 2 since q3 single player is just bot deathmatch.

It looks as though Raven is doing an excellent job so far with quake 4, and I eagerly await quake 4 to arrive... Shit... I can't wait for a quake 4 demo if one is going to be released before the final version of the game... I never understood the point of releasing a fricken demo AFTER the final game is released... well.. other than to force people to buy the final release to get their money rather then letting them choose beforehand with a quick taste of what they can expect.

Fuckin A Quake 4 is on the horizon! This bitch is giddy!

Circuitbreaker8 said:
Cuz UT2k7 will own this Quake 3 rehash :p
Too bad that's why UT2k4/3 sucked and most likely 7 will suck too. Most fans of the original UT wanted same gameplay with just a graphics update, no one got that. Both of the games right now are pretty empty, there is hardly any populated servers, and UT99 has more players then 2k4/3.
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