First Digital Issue of Newsweek Sports Animated Cover

I'm sure it's filled with the same old left wing drivel and will fail just as badly as the print version.
I was forced to read that shittily biased print in a high school politics class.
I was forced to read that shittily biased print in a high school politics class.

Try having to read the shit in a college "News & Reporting" class along with the most liberal paper in town as examples of "fair and unbiased reporting."
Unless its a list of bulletin points with facts, what would unbiased reporting even be?
Unless its a list of bulletin points with facts, what would unbiased reporting even be?

Go back to when the fairness doctrine existed and fears of having to offer equal time on anything that editorialized too severely, and you get much closer to fair and balanced. You also got more investigative reporting, which was kind of nice.

That aside, their animated cover was boring an awkward. Seriously, a small sub wobbling in frame in a featureless ocean due to poor camera work for that cover headline? This makes their publication better how? I mean you want to have an issue on if chinas economy is going to crash and you lead in with something like this video ( ) before giving the headline, might be entertaining.