First 100% stable E6600 OC & questions on cooling


Dec 31, 2005
Ok you can look over here in the Intel forum and see my thread about my build and some of the OCing that i have done here is my build, benchines and lots of pic

Ok so i work at tigerdirect and wanted to pick up the best 775 cooler that we had, well last week there was pretty much nothing that i deemed worthy in stock. so i took a ride over to frys and picked up this.

my load temps Non-OCed with the intel heatsink were 55C, with this my load OCed temps on the 9500 were 49C, now here is my question. we just got this in at tiger and it is a pretty nice price for me Now here is my question Ive done my fair share of research, and both look to be pretty nice, going with the fata1ty will be cheaper, but I dont really care about the money, I just want really good cooling, and I dont want to buy offline, aka the ninja and have to wait for it.

I was also thinking of getting the zalman northbridge cooler

And possibly this for my 7900gtx, dont really know how much it would do in helping it clock a little bit higher?

Just looking for a little bit of help here deciding on cooling, thanks in advance.
The CNPS9500 is better than the "Fatal1ty" you linked to.

The Fatal1ty one is lesser heatsink, it looks to be a CNPS7700 if I am not mistaken...

Either get the Ninja or go water if you want that extra cooling.

As for your video card, you should look at the VF900, it has heatpipes in it, and a bit better performance than the VF700.
What is this, some kind of ad from TD for their coolers?

Seriously though, the cooler you have is better than that Fatal1ty. If you aren't happy with the performance, a Ninja or Big Typhoon will get you even better cooling at a louder noise level. Don't go for that POS Zalman chipset cooler, get an all-copper Swiftech, jerk the fan off, and run it passively. As for the video cooler, I suggest an Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 5 since it blows hot air OUT of the case instead of just regurgitating it.
9500 > fatality.

plus, you can take advantage of the the parallel airflow that the 9500 provides directing air straight back to your exhaust fan.

replacement nb cooler isn't a bad idea if you want. i'd go with another brand and copper instead of aluminum but i guess you can't really beat $8
ok cool, then i am going to lap the heathisk and see how much better that does, Im really not that big of a fan of water, being that to do it right you have to do it all piece by piece and spend at least 500. Alright, so this is better for the vid card instead of the fata1ty

also one of my co-wokers has this and swears that it is better than the zalman

blue orb2

his reasoning is that copper is better and retaining heat, pulling it away and holding it, while aluminum is better at dissipating heat. so the blue orb 2 would be good if those held true.

sman262 said:
his reasoning is that copper is better and retaining heat, pulling it away and holding it, while aluminum is better at dissipating heat. so the blue orb 2 would be good if those held true.
sman262 said:
blue orb2

his reasoning is that copper is better and retaining heat, pulling it away and holding it, while aluminum is better at dissipating heat. so the blue orb 2 would be good if those held true.


His reasoning is wrong on every level. Copper is better at absorbing, moving, and emitting heat then aluminum. It is basically better then aluminum for all properties of heat transfer. The only advantages of aluminum are cost and weight.
Yep ... reading reviews always help! Stay with your 9500

The guy who said to go on water-cooled ... well xbitlabs made a very interresting review and came to the conclusion watercooled system are just as good as the air-cooled one. (And they're 50$ instead of 150-200$) with much less risk.

Although the air-cooled system need a good case to be efficient.
I'd stick with the 9500, I got it and i love it. heres some pics:



[email protected] 100% stable

I have a VF900 for my 7900 GT, and i'm at 690/1800 with it, and stays under 60 C
I also got a 50mm fan for my NB HS on my ds3 to keep it cool