firefox text suddenly got huge

Asian Fury

Nov 4, 2002
I was cleaning my keyboard the other day with a lint free rag and i accidently hit some keys and now the text on the in firefox articles is huge. If i reduce the size of the article text to a normal size, the other text (like toolbars) becomes tiny.

its only specific to articles. so doing that would shrink the text of everything, when its just that specific site
Ice Czar said:
Ctrl + scroll wheel
If you don't have a scroll wheel, you can use ctrl -

You may have accidently hit a key combo and changed the text.
i know about ctrl- but that just decreases the size of everything on the screen proportionally. so by the time the text of the article is down to normal size, the other links and stuff are unreadable. i understand this is a bloody strange problem. reinstalling didn't do anything. the site looks fine it IE, but IE doesn't have all the tab browser and extensions goodness that FF has. has been having problems with their FF formatting.

I emailed a webmaster there and they said they are aware of the problems and are working on a new automated system. Many of the articles are put up by the writers or the writers assistants through an the automated system ESPN has setup for them. Still a few kinks to work out I guess.
MouseGestures or whatever has an action that changes the size of text. Unfortunately it's very similar to the gesture to go back a page.

But CTRL + 0 puts the text back to default. It's under View>>Text Size.