firefox/opera, vista and aero


Apr 16, 2005
After getting vista, one of the first things i did was to install firefox (as to not use IE dur) All was going great until...When I would load pages and they would shudder up and down which besides hurting my eyes, is really annoying. This also happened when I used the VistaXP windowBlinds theme (or any of them). I thought it was just a windowblinds/firefox thing until it also happened in vista when using aero. So i decided to load opera. All was going fine again until I went to a few pages and Aero decided to turn off, with a popup saying 'a program you have running is incompatible with here to find out' I clicked there and it said Opera. I closed opera and Aero came back.

So, the main thing anyone else having trouble with this? Does anyone know if mozilla or opera will release any fixes for these?
It's a problem that I have seen on a few Vista installs.

Here is what you do.

Open regedit>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Desktop. Find the REG_SZ value "WheelScrollLines" and change the value from 3 to 2 or 1, and exit.

That has fixed it for me, hope it helps you.

Don't really have any Opera advice, I don't use it, sooo.........
I'm running Opera and Firefox on both of my machines with no issue. You mentioned windows blinds though... I wouldn't be surprised if that's the issue. I'd uninstall Windows Blinds
The jumping is because you have no links in your tool bar. Add a link up there and it will stop jumping. Worked for me.