firefly 1st season for $20

umm, it's not the "first" season as that implies there was more than one, unfortunetly there was only about 15 ep ever made.

I just got through whatching this in a maraton session this weekend, i was sick, had no plans, and decided why not? I never saw the show on TV, and had the DVDs sitting around for almost 4 months. So I open the wrapping and pop them in..........

and was blown away. I'm not a fan of buffy and other joss wheadon shows, but firefly was some of the best television I'd ever seen. Everything just clicked, the writing, acting directing, FX, etc. It worked, and should have been a show that ranked up there with the sheild and the current battlestar galactica series as far as a weekly series. Unfortunetly, Fox destroyed any hope of that. I found out that fox aired ep out of order, gave the show a shitty timeslot, and even aired what was intended as the pilot halfway into the series, instead using the first ep as the pilot. despit all this i found out that it had a rabid fan following, now i understand why. I paid $40 for this set, you can't go wrong with this price.

for those that don't know the movie "serinity" was based on this series. If you havent seen the movie yet wait until you watch the dvds first. It takes "serinity" from a decent scifi movie to a really good one. :eek:
I "acquired" the series, and I was amazed. Joss really outdid himself on this one. Too bad it was cancelled, i'm going to pick this up. Thanks!

PS: There are two Serenity titled shows. One was the pilot episode for the series that aired later, one is a movie. I think. I saw the pilot and my roommate was telling me about the movie. Someone correct me?
Yes, the Pilot episode of the series was titled "Serenity" as was the film released last year.

It's easily one of my favorite all-time shows. And yes, I am a huge Buffy fan as well. What can I say, the guy's a stud.

Well, not a real stud, but a geek stud.
Is it supposed to be $20 or $25? I see it for $25. Still a good deal, I'm definitely going to buy, but if I can save an additional $5 I'd like to know.
AtomicFire said:
I "acquired" the series, ?

i hope by "aquired" you mean legally bought and paid for. If anything else, this is the ONE show that deserved to NOT be undermined by being pirated.......

although i think it is really grasping at straws, there is the slim possiblity that this series could be revived a 'la family guy. bootlegs would preclude even that miniscule chance....
Does anyone have experience with getting the platinum visa card? I'm tempted to pick up this series + serenity dvd for 12 bucks by getting the visa... but curious on if there are any strings attached? Could i just cancel the card after I paid it off + got my dvds with on strings attached other than I can't do it again..?
This show is by far the best series on network television. It is crazy that Fox would let this gem go. I know it cost a fortune to keep this show going but Christ give it a chance.

I hate Buffy so I never gave it much thought when it ran in 2003, but I saw Serenity and loved it. The show was just as good. I have still not watched the last 3 episodes....just don't want it to end man!! :(
Worminater said:
Does anyone have experience with getting the platinum visa card? I'm tempted to pick up this series + serenity dvd for 12 bucks by getting the visa... but curious on if there are any strings attached? Could i just cancel the card after I paid it off + got my dvds with on strings attached other than I can't do it again..?

The last time Firefly was listed on the Hard Forum I did the very thing you are considering. I never canceled my card so I am not sure of any problems there, but from my experience there are no strings attached. It makes for a really good deal. The only problem I had with the card (which I never planned on using again) is that my wife made an Amazon purchase subsequent to my getting the new card and without realizing it she made the purchase with the new card. The new card becomes your default source of funding for all purchases on Amazon. Of course you can always select a different payment method at checkout.
Does the show have a good conclusion? I'd hate to watch it and get into it just for it to cutoff leaving you wanting more. Shows normally leave you with a cliffhanger at the end of a season. I guess I'm wondering if it has a satisfying ending to the last episode.

I bought the movie Serenity and was questioning why the cover had a coupon for the first Season of Battle Star when bought togethor, why didn't they make it a coupon to Firefly of all things?
topcat989 said:
i hope by "aquired" you mean legally bought and paid for. If anything else, this is the ONE show that deserved to NOT be undermined by being pirated.......
Considering that you quoted only the first four words of his post, it looks to me like that's about as far as you got. You should probably reread his post, or should I say, read his post.
TimothyB said:
Does the show have a good conclusion? I'd hate to watch it and get into it just for it to cutoff leaving you wanting more. Shows normally leave you with a cliffhanger at the end of a season. I guess I'm wondering if it has a satisfying ending to the last episode.

The Movie is the conclusion of the series.......

Fox really fucked this series completely.

If you've got the movie.....
Buy the series - watch all eps in order - then watch the movie again.

The cry because you'll never get anymore "Firefly" :(

KillRoy X said:
This show is by far the best series on network television. It is crazy that Fox would let this gem go. I know it cost a fortune to keep this show going but Christ give it a chance.

I hate Buffy so I never gave it much thought when it ran in 2003, but I saw Serenity and loved it. The show was just as good. I have still not watched the last 3 episodes....just don't want it to end man!! :(

the series gets intensely better as it goes on... i think the last 3 episodes or so were the best written... the entire series was good.. it had the good directing and tasteful comedy and witty dialog... it was an excellent show... towards the end it got really serious, and was an EXCELLENT series...

watched its probably a year before the movie came out... the movie was obviously joss' closure to the series.. what with half of the crew getting killed and whatnot

i had friends who got the movie for me they said "it's aight", if they saw the series they'd know wth was going on. as it was, they didn't know the background of any of those characters which is what most of the plot in the series was... character devolepment
Ok person above me with the spoilers clean it up.

Firefly fanatics around the WORLD will kill for that misstep.

Don't draw down the ire of the browncoats.

I WILL hurt you. ;)
at 25 it's still a hot deal as far as I'm concerned, hell, you could keep upping it and i'd keep saying it was a hot deal. Firefly is the best.

may have been on the losing side....still not convinced it was the wrong one