firebird issues

Aug 7, 2003
whenever i try to click links for .wmv files in firebird, it treats it as a text document and opens the video in the browser. i get tons of weird symbols and all that crazy stuff. are there any plugins that'll correct this so they automatically open in WMP, or ZoomPlayer?

also, whenever i try to click links for movie files (mpeg, avi, mpg, mov, etc) i have firebird set to open them in ZoomPlayer. however firebird also opens a blank window when it saves the files in a temp folder for reading. are there any plugins that will prevent the blank window from being opened?
I use Firefox 0.8 and haven't noticed this problem...can you provide a link so I can test please. I normally just download the .avi but I'll try opening it with Firefox if you give me a link to one your having trouble with.
No idea then...just rt click and download it. Firefox is much better than Firebird was IMO...what issues are you having with it?
Originally posted by stringcheeseincident
i don't like firefox, i'm talking about firebird .7
It is a bug in Firebird 0.7. If you don't want to use Firefox then you will have to "right click -> save as".