firebird cant access internet

Aug 7, 2003
i just installed mozilla firebird, and whenever i open it, i get the error:

The connection was refused when attempting to contact

i think the firewall on my router is blocking it. what port does firebird use by default?
just kidding, i fixed it. what are some good plug ins for firebird that are required for a good browsing experience? im disappointed at how slow images load for the first time. and i have flash installed.
Get the Adblock extension. Firebird does a great job at blocking ads but this way you can remove them permanently from websites so they don't come back.

And the CopyImage extension which lets you Copy an image to your clipboard like IE lets you.
ah, another question. firebird makes me save all the EXEs i download. cant i get them to save into a temp folder and open automatically, like IE?