Find the true color


Limp Gawd
Dec 25, 2000
EDIT: I fixed this problem by just using a 1x1 pixel as the bg.. you may delete this thread

I have run into one of the oddest problems I have ever encountered. I'm a Mac user and am using Photoshop to create a website layout. The layout (obviously) includes the backround color I want to use for the body bg of my page.

I'm using the sRGB color profile, save as a JPG and start constructing my HTML. Well, it seems that when I apply my layout to the web, the backround colors do not match. The web backround color being displayed in my browser is slightly off from the HTML color photoshop is telling me for my image.

So I opened the JPG in photoshop, and it seems I am getting 2 different RGB reading from the same color (using photoshops color dropper), which makes no sense to me. I also used Apple's Digital Color meter to determine the color displayed in photoshop, which also gives me a different color as well. (figure 1).

So I use the digital color meter app value as the bg color and display my page in Safari, and it still does not match. (figure 2) Interestingly enough, the same file opened in Safari and Photoshop yield 2 different colors. using the digital color meter to determine the color of my image in safari and applying that color as the page bg makes everything correct.

I am still confused on why there are several different color variations on the same file, and why the color picker in photoshop has 2 different RGB values?

figure 1

figure 2