Find a crap mobo for conroe, or...

Jul 30, 2004
What should I do? I have all my components for conroe except mobo. I have two options.

1. Look for crap mobo and buy it.
2. Wait for good mobo in a month, and go ahead and install x-fi.

What do you think?
Or could you find me one that generates low power, has 10 or more usb ports, 4 pata drives (2x), 4 or more sata drives, a floppy (or support for 2) drive connector, raid, etc...
You'll be waiting a while for that mobo. Why would a person need that many usb ports?
I don't know if you plan to overclock or not, but I don't overclock and I usually buy official Intel boards. Intel will be rolling out a LOT of new motherboards within the next few weeks, as shown by their website. Personally I'm holding out for the top level G965 board. I want to have integrated graphics (as a backup of course) and Matrix RAID, and an official board. But that's just me. Your needs may be different.
Intel Boards