Finally upgrading


Mar 22, 2004
It's finally time to upgrade from my old palomino. Figure I might as well go dual core now. I've been out of the loop on processors for a while and I'm a bit confused. From what I can tell the Opteron & Athlon64 FX2 series are the dual core chips. Anyone have any recommendations of one over the other? I'm planning on building this system for gaming.
In the last few years since you bought your pally, AMD has gone from being king-of-the-hill in terms of gaming to playing second-fiddle.

Now, the performance is still good, it's just not as good as Intel's Core 2 Duo. the overclocking is also not quite as good as the Core 2 Duo line, so overall you can get a better gaming experience if you go Intel.


Because AMD is playing the price wars, you can pick up a dual-core 3800+ X2 for around $100. So, if you're on a small budget, AMD is still the way to go, but if you're planning on spending more than $600 on a new system (and you're not allergic to Intel), go with The Core 2 Duo.

Just FYI, AMD is expected to be a performance powerhouse once again in around 6 months when the high-end Agena and the midrange Kuma hit the streets. Until then, Intel is where it's at.
If your happy with amd like i am im going to go am2+ in the summer of this year and if you look at the roadmap for amd agena cpu's and the kuma cpu's will equall or beat intel and you will have a better upgrade path without having to buy another motherboard every 6 months...they will be backwards compatable and will be as usuall for amd better bang for the of now c2d is the faster cpu but you see it in benchmarks, in real world useage you dont see much of a difference.To read the intel fan forums you'd think its like running a 200mhz cpu against a 4000mhz doubt about the fact the intel c2d's are a fine cpu but in no way make the amd 939's and am2 cpu's seem like there 10 years dont see the difference in everyday tasks...amd is coming along with stuff that will compete with them very soon and the upgrade path will be much more affordable than the intel upgrade path...right now they[intel fan boys] would like you to believe its like night and day..nothing could be farther from the truth...8 months from now the scene will be entirely different and intel fan boys will be alot quieter with crow feathers hanging out the corner of their mouths.........
If you want AMD, get a decent Opteron chip and you'll probably get 2.6 to 2.8ghz. Since you're going have to do a whole new build, I'd go with an Intel Core2Duo E6300 setup overclock that thing to 3.2-3.4ghz no sweat. Prices won't be far apart. My friend just put an E6300 setup together today and I'm impressed. I just sold my dual-core Opteron after only a couple days of usage because I wasn't impressed in the least with that. Unless something radically changes, my next setup will be Intel.