Final Fantasy XI pwns me... :/


Jan 29, 2001
my god, i stepped outside to go to work today and there was this big bright thing up in the sky... i looked at it for a second, and it hurt my eyes... i seem to remember seeing it in the past... the "sun" i think they call it?

i bought FFXI on wednesday night, and the registration servers were down...went to work thursday... since thursday night i've already logged about 30 hours in this game. i took friday off of work, my roommates are having a field day making "crack" jokes, and i'm sitting here at work right now wondering if i should even play it when i get home or just never play it again, period. my arm hurts way back in my shoulder from sitting all twisted out in my seat, holding my mouse all poorly... it hasn't felt like this since the marathon sessions i used to run way back in diablo 1.

i'm a level 9 BLM, just got aero last night, and am saving up my gil to get a stupid tunic, of all things.

i went on a crazy cracked-out pilgrimage across the planet... started out in bastok, walked allllll the way north to selbina, took the boat to mhaura (twice! hint: stay in the cargo hold, the deck of the boat is scary) and from there was stuck. i was in way over my head... lil lvl 7 BLM running from anything that took a swing on me. i didn't have any maps for the region, so i was just wandering in the desert, asking people i met to point me in the right direction towards town. finally a tarutaru named opiwoop walked me all the way south to windurst, where i'm now back among things i can actually fight and kill. the planet is BIG... there's still the whole northern areas i haven't even seen.

it all seems so silly now.... but i FINALLY have a REAL understanding of all the ever-crack jokes... ugh.

open the pod bay doors, HAL...!

"i can't do that, dave..."
Had to reformat, reinstalling game as we speak.

Need mah fix!



Mr. Pain

-- Overall a very fun game. Atmosphere is great, nice visuals, etc.
Haha great story. That's one of the reasons why I've never played a mmorpg before. I don't have the time to get sucked into their world, which would probably happen. FFXI is very tempting to get, but I've resisted so far.
lol nice.. i stopped playing for a while.. ihave lvl 16 warr and starting a new character again at lvl 8 now i believe.. i stopped coz i needed to upgrade my card and now im waiting my 9800XT which should be arriving this week if the guy can ship it tomorrow or wednesday.. :(
I am an avid FF fan... but, I didnt get into it cuz everyone says it sucks.... I hate everquest and moorowind... is this like that? or should i get into it...

is the music really good too? or just ok?

evercrack gpx is sux compare to FFXI, i havent play the morrowind, so i cant really compare them.. alot of ppl said it's boring coz all u do is kill monster and run around.. there's more than that like fishing, doing quest, ranks, fames, killing the humongous monsters, variety of jobs.. it's pretty fun, but the only thing that i hate about it is making a gil.. im sux0rs abut selling stuff or selling the right stuff or thy call it farming.. but overall it's a pretty good game.. not very good, but pretty.. 8/10

the music is ok..
Originally posted by USMC2Hard4U
I am an avid FF fan... but, I didnt get into it cuz everyone says it sucks...
Who are "they"...FFXI has 30 Server's with 1600-3000+ on each them and 400,000+ Subscribers.

It is not for everone....but it is a lot of fun for those that play it.

32 WHM/ 17 BLM/ 15 BRD/ 4 DRK :D

And yes the Game is addictive.
Originally posted by Betauser
lol nice.. i stopped playing for a while.. ihave lvl 16 warr and starting a new character again at lvl 8 now i believe.. i stopped coz i needed to upgrade my card and now im waiting my 9800XT which should be arriving this week if the guy can ship it tomorrow or wednesday.. :(
Why not just change jobs instead of starting a new character?
I was all about this game for two weeks.. played it every day after work for hours.

Then I came to realize that the game was completely pointless. All I did was log in, fight some things, get some money, then log off. There was no reason to keep playing. Getting in a group was almost impossible and there really is no point to the game other then getting to that next level.

Uninstalled it the next day and havent missed it one bit.

I am just pissed that I am not allowed to resell the game because the EULA forbids more then one person ever using the CD.

Grr.. I want my $45 back!
Originally posted by USMC2Hard4U
I am an avid FF fan... but, I didnt get into it cuz everyone says it sucks.... I hate everquest and moorowind... is this like that? or should i get into it...

is the music really good too? or just ok?


If you think everquest sucks then i suggest you never even think about wasting your money on a mmorpg, they all run off the same principles....

I personally think FFXI is a great game, i played everquest for 3 years and I loved it.

p.s.- the music is the best part of the game silly!
ffxi is a fun game, becuase of it, i had about 5 hours of sleep in 3days. i skipped school, work, everything to play it. i stopped playing because there was no real plot. it was my 1st mmorpg so i didnt know what to expect. the game is fun tho. ima lvl 12 warrior. wanted to become a summoner or ninja, but lost interest. the games still gr8 tho
Originally posted by ne0-reloaded
ffxi is a fun game, becuase of it, i had about 5 hours of sleep in 3days. i skipped school, work, everything to play it. i stopped playing because there was no real plot.

There is sort of a you do Missions and Quests....the NPC's will tell you Stories.
I just bought the game can someone explain to me the world system and how that is different from the countries?
the "worlds" are the actual servers...

each server is named after a summon... there's the ifrit server, the shiva server, etc..

within each "world" is a duplicate of the "map" (the actual countries that your character walks around in and fights the monsters in).

when you create a character, you are randomly assigned to a specific server (everybody with the game couldn't all play on the same server, so they spread people out among servers).

so for example:

you make a character named bob. it's created on the server ifrit. you start in bastok (one of the countries).

your friend makes a character name larry. it's created on the server shiva. he starts in bastok, too.

you'll never be able to "see" each other online, since you're essentially on two different worlds.

there is a way around this. if you buy the tgame today, and your friend has been playing for a while, he can buyt a "worldpass" in town, which will give him a code number. if you enter that code when you make your character, you'll end up being created on his "world" (the shiva server or whatever).

you can't "change worlds" once your character has already been created... you need to make a new one on the new server if you want to play with your friend.

i dunno if that was more confusing than helpful... search on google for "ffxi worldpass" and there's probably a better explanation floating around.

cool thanks for the explanation...

now i gotta wait for the registration server to let me sign up :rolleyes:
holy shit. i was debating weather to buy this game and i think i just decided :D.
i'm a 20BLM 6WHM on Midgardsormr. I'm apart of the Crystal Guardians LinkShell. If any of you guys want a worldpass to Midgard gimme a PM i got 65k gil to use up. DAMN I LOVE THIS GAME! AHHHH!

TaruTaru Male
Midgardsormr Server
I haven't played an online-game of this type since Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast). That game fucking stole my life. 700 hours at least.

There was no point, yet I couldn't stop playing. No story, few levels, fewer enemies...but the ability to meet with people from any place in any timezone without restraints...*shiver*...
A lady i work with has a son who's been playing this. He's using a PCI GeForce MX200. Any idea on how well that would work? Reading the specs, it seems like it needs alot more video horsepower than that. But she said he's been playing everynight without any problems.
Originally posted by ambit
A lady i work with has a son who's been playing this. He's using a PCI GeForce MX200. Any idea on how well that would work? Reading the specs, it seems like it needs alot more video horsepower than that. But she said he's been playing everynight without any problems.

i'm sure it works very poorly.
The music is horrible in this game. I dunno if Nobuo Uematsu did the music or not, but if he did, it's his worst yet. And I'm an avid FF music fan, I have it all.

But the game owns. It's keeping me busy till WoW release.
I'm addicted to it. I play it every chance I can get. Once I lvl 3 times in 1 sitting! The game has its own economy and it fluctuats constantly. Everyone I play with is nice, and willing to help you when they can (except for a select few of course). The Japanese gamers are very friendly and most of them speak english so you have some communication to work with. And if you want a bug free game, this is it. It's been out in Japan for 2years already so most of the bugs are gone.

Over all 9/10.

45 DRG - 30 WAR - 11 WHM - Cerberus - Sand`Oria
Oh ya thought I'd throw up that Japanese gamers are INSANE. They're just as skilled and hardcore as Koreans, cept they're NICE AS FUCK. They're all extremely helpful, and just so dam nice.

Nothing like the freaking Koreans that hate us all.
The game is ok, but its got sum quirks...Hopefully WoW don't play like FFXI...The partying system is kinda gayed out cuz u gotta be same level to get good xp...
I'm on Garuda server part of HigherEchelon ^^
Damn its soo funny cuz like 80% of my LS is l33ts...50+
I'm one of the lowly 20% ..But I'm @29war/14mnk so I'll be hitting 30 hopefully tonight...Get me pal adv job and tank like mad=)

BTW I played the game on my old rig...
1ghz amd, 768mb sdram GF2MX400 32mb P.O.S vid card...
Played decent with lowest res...Lowest details and watnot..
I know how you feel lol.
lv58/29 blm/whm. got every AF pieces except body and hat :(
world or server: cerberus.
WewT I'm a Pally ...Thanks to a lvl 51 l33t whm in my LS...I tried it before but damn I got mobbed by the gheyzor orcs in Davoi...LoL and I was like soo ghetto (no gil for silent and inviz items)...But damn I went in and my friend was like casting inviz/sneak as we got to the well...And when I got the item, she ported us to Holla...OmG that was COOL ^^

Next thing this week is Sam quest...3 of us are gonna tackle this...Hopefully the lvl 60's ppl can help us lowly ones on this one...

I wonder how cool it would be to use Sam as sub for Pal...Then again I will be a tank so Sam would kinda be pointless...
Anyone know if Pal/Nin would work? The one thing I love about ninja is the Usetsumi:Ichi...
Heh, one of my friends played it on a 1 ghz laptop with old intel integrated video. He had to use an external launcher to emulate hardware t&l, but once you turned all the settings down it ran decently. I've been thinking about buying it, but I think I will get a 9800pro first (using a 9100 that was a gift :p).
Final Fantasy XI is really addicting. This is my first MMORPG game ever and I'm loving it.

I just got to Kazham last night. Yay~

Level 30 White Mage/Level 25 Summoner

on Ramuh server. Look for IQJUMPuw. :)
I have played everqeust for like 3 years..then stopped..on and off...THAT GAME WAS ADDICTING AS just could never beat the people that play 24/7. Also now that i have been out of it i feel like it would take to much to learn it all over agian...THE EQ world i think is probably much much bigger then the FF worlds....

In anycase

Is this game better then EQ? it sounds interesting...
Originally posted by Radiohead
Is this game better then EQ? it sounds interesting...

I think "better" would be a personal dad still plays EQ even though the graphics on FFXI are "better" he has been playing for proably close to 4-5 years now so he says he "invested to much time into EQ to make switching worth it"

Me on the other hand played as much as him but switched as soon as FFXI came out because its something new (graphics, sub-class etc etc)

Anywho im gunna go farm some gil now

I really dont care about graphics all that much..EQ graphics are fine with problem with them at all....except after playing 8 hours the water kinda hurrts your eyes lol.

I mean is the game play better, more fun? more to do? community? role playing?

what is yoru dad gonna do when EQ2 comes out.
im owned by the game.... and wondering if anyone else has problems with radeon 8500 and cat 4.2?