Final Fantasy VII on PS4


Aug 20, 2006
I just watched one of the saddest, most unimaginable dick teases in gaming history during the PS Experience show. So this mother fucker from Square Enix comes up onto stage and starts talking about the anniversary of PlayStation, and then---holy fuck---the Final Fantasy VII logo comes out.

Oh, wow. The remake is finally coming out!?

Nope. It's another FUCKING PORT of the original. What the fuck? Really?
SE is NEVER going to spend the money it would take to do a console remake of FF7. People need to accept it and move on. That way you can stop being disappointed when SE does bullshit like this.
Square Enix gonna Square Enix
Surprised it wasn't mobile...
Trolled so hard...
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Yea... really, move on.

Squenix too, for fuck sakes, a port is pointless!
They realized they'll make more money off a port than to spend the development money to release a new game.
This is actually a port of the PC port that came out last year.
WTF SE... They must actually think this is funny or something... DIE
I would buy an FFVII remake, but I'm not anticipating one in any way. I just don't understand why the fuck you would pull a stunt like this and disappoint tons of people. Is FFXV such a piece of shit that they couldn't show a small video of that instead? Isn't there a new Kingdom Hearts game on the horizon, too?
Yar, pretty crappy of them and you'd think that there would've been at least one person at SE who thought this would only be a slap to fans' faces.

I guess it could have been worse: they could have shown an updated version of the old PS2 FF7 tech demo and then revealed the original FF VII PC 'rerelease'.

I would buy an FFVII remake, but I'm not anticipating one in any way. I just don't understand why the fuck you would pull a stunt like this and disappoint tons of people. Is FFXV such a piece of shit that they couldn't show a small video of that instead? Isn't there a new Kingdom Hearts game on the horizon, too?

Yar, and I thought there was an online article about SE 'teasing' an all new RPG property.
This is actually a port of the PC port that came out last year.
WTF SE... They must actually think this is funny or something... DIE

Nope. It's a port of the PC version released in 1998 and re-released last year with "enhancements". It doesn't really look any better than the 98 version nor does it offer anything special over it. SE is "allowing" PC owners the chance to play a 14 year old port that they can probably run on their PCs and get cheaper for said PC.
who's dick do i need to suck for a proper FFT 2

The team that developed it is no longer together. Fire Emblem is as close as you get to FFT these days. You could also argue that the GBA games were sequels to FFT since that story wrapped up all nicely (well depressingly, but you know what I mean).
The team that developed it is no longer together. Fire Emblem is as close as you get to FFT these days. You could also argue that the GBA games were sequels to FFT since that story wrapped up all nicely (well depressingly, but you know what I mean).

I played the first GBA FFT, I don't remember much about it - just that it had a Narnia-vibe (in that the main character stumbles into the world) and there were bunny people.
And now some of you guys see why many of us hardcore Halo fans have so much respect for how Microsoft has done fan service with that game. Many of us got hooked onto consoles when the original Halo came out and helped change what FPS games were about. That is why many of us absolutely diehard Halo fans were a bit forgiving that the multiplayer came broken in the master chief collection. Have you guys seen how incredible of a job they did with Halo 2?

I continue to believe that FFVII was the best FF game ever made to date and yearn for a remake of it one day. I have given up hope as they just are not as committed to their fans as other companies are.
And now some of you guys see why many of us hardcore Halo fans have so much respect for how Microsoft has done fan service with that game. Many of us got hooked onto consoles when the original Halo came out and helped change what FPS games were about. That is why many of us absolutely diehard Halo fans were a bit forgiving that the multiplayer came broken in the master chief collection. Have you guys seen how incredible of a job they did with Halo 2?

I continue to believe that FFVII was the best FF game ever made to date and yearn for a remake of it one day. I have given up hope as they just are not as committed to their fans as other companies are.

You can't expect SE to spend the cost of a brand new FF game on a remake when they clearly don't believe it will be worth the risk. SquareEnix has issues, a lot of them, but it's hard to fault them here. Hype and fan promises don't always (or often) directly translate into a lot of sales. SE isn't exactly rolling in cash at the moment and spending 30-40+ million on a remake seems kind of insane. The only way we'll ever see a FF7 remake is on a phone, the 3DS, or the Vita. Places where it will be significantly cheaper to develop it.
You can't expect SE to spend the cost of a brand new FF game on a remake when they clearly don't believe it will be worth the risk. SquareEnix has issues, a lot of them, but it's hard to fault them here. Hype and fan promises don't always (or often) directly translate into a lot of sales. SE isn't exactly rolling in cash at the moment and spending 30-40+ million on a remake seems kind of insane. The only way we'll ever see a FF7 remake is on a phone, the 3DS, or the Vita. Places where it will be significantly cheaper to develop it.

You are right as I keep forgetting about the cash problems that are plaguing many developers. I believe that the costs could be kept in check, but I am not an expert in this industry. The story is already written, and textures along with mechanics can be upgraded with integration into a new engine. FFVII probably could be adapted to use the FFXIII engine pretty easily. The hardest part would probably be upgrading and possibly redoing the sound along with adding speech along with redoing the CGI cutscenes.

All I can really say as a fan of the series is that it went downhill after FFVII. Some will argue that the peak was VIII, but they had more substance than what we have today. FFVIII-2 was a travesty in my opinion.
The thing with FF VII is that, besides the characters, everything in that game was pre-rendered 2D visuals. It'd be a lot more than just upgrading textures and throwing them into a new engine.
Nope. It's a port of the PC version released in 1998 and re-released last year with "enhancements". It doesn't really look any better than the 98 version nor does it offer anything special over it. SE is "allowing" PC owners the chance to play a 14 year old port that they can probably run on their PCs and get cheaper for said PC.

Go nope yourself, there is nothing incorrect with what I said. A history lesson was not the point of my post. (I own the 98 release from Eidos. Big deal)

FFVIII-2 was a travesty in my opinion.

Wot? You mean XVIII-2? or X-2? There was no VIII-2.
Go nope yourself, there is nothing incorrect with what I said. A history lesson was not the point of my post. (I own the 98 release from Eidos. Big deal)

Wot? You mean XVIII-2? or X-2? There was no VIII-2.

I meant XIII-2
Haha, and I made a typo, cause there is no XVIII either

I know but I was on my tablet at the time and thus was trying to avoid lengthy typing on that stupid screen's virtual keyboard. XIII-2 is probably the game that has turned me off of the FF series forever just like Phantasy Star Universe was the game that finally killed any interest I had in that series(was a huge fan since the Sega Masters days). The stories are also getting less believable with each iteration of the FF series. FFVII and VIII probably had some of the best of the series with it becoming a downhill ride afterwards. FFVII just sucked you in and made you almost feel like you were there at times.
I have never played any FF game and only 3 JRPGs --- Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 3, and Dragon Quest VIII. So l might give it a chance. But it has to be cheap, at least support wide screen, and have at least some kind of graphical upgrade, like smooth out the jaggies or something. I have no interest in sitting through a 4:3 pixelated mess of a game, no matter how great it's suppose to be.
I have never played any FF game and only 3 JRPGs --- Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 3, and Dragon Quest VIII. So l might give it a chance. But it has to be cheap, at least support wide screen, and have at least some kind of graphical upgrade, like smooth out the jaggies or something. I have no interest in sitting through a 4:3 pixelated mess of a game, no matter how great it's suppose to be.

Widescreen support it will probably have, but don't count on graphical upgrades. If you want better graphics pick up the PC version and mod it.
I played the first GBA FFT, I don't remember much about it - just that it had a Narnia-vibe (in that the main character stumbles into the world) and there were bunny people.

You played FFTA. A standing for Advance. It was pretty lame compared to the PS1/PSP version of FFT. FFT had a rich and deep storyline that even Game of Throne fans could love. It was done by the some developers who did Tactics Ogre if that helps you picture how great it was.

Maybe FFTA was a good game in the end but I couldn’t get over the silly kiddy “Narnia” world and Law system made the game unfun for me. Neither are in the original FFT. FFT was very much its own fantasy world in which no one just stumbles upon.
TBH we're getting a pretty great looking new FF soon, so I'd really like to see a FFVII remake done in sprites similar to the look of FFVI. A retrofied FFVII would be killer! And probably wouldn't cost a whole lot to make, right? Plus it would be able to be ported to practically anything. Perhaps it isn't something that everyone would appreciate because everybody wants 1337 grafix, but I'd at least totally dig it. ;p
Id like to see a fully 3d rendered remake of FF1, actually.

That would be really cool. I really like the game world of FF1 and the design of the characters and creatures. Getting that in a more modern 3D style would be cool to see, even if it's just a mobile or handheld title or some budget digital release.