Files dont work once i rename it


Aug 24, 2002
ever since i installed SP2, all my files cant be renamed without puting the extention at the end.

like if i wanted to rename a photo (photo1.jpg) i use to be able to just right click and delete the name and rename it. but now with SP2 it delets the name and .jpg too so once i type in the name i have to put .jpg at the end.

does anyone know how to get rid of this, its really bugging me

Explorer is no longer set to hide filenames. Open an explorer window, click tools, and choose folder options. What you want will be under the view tab in the advanced settings list.

However, I STRONGLY recommend that you just get used to file extentions! I cannot emphasise this enough! All files must use these extentions in the end, so programs hiding this from you and that very very minor convenience you just mentioned are always going to rely on those extentions being done correctly. It's so much better to just get used to the extentions as it tells you so much more about what a file actually is and that sort of thing, plus it just plain makes it easier to work with some things. And I don't think I ever figured out how to change the extention of a file without having to unhide them on my stinking school systems (short of entering a console and doing it all manually.)

MS just loves encouraging bad habits. Darn it! Why did they turn that on by default!