File transfer over the internet


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2004
Hi all,

I bought a new desktop recently and decided to turn my old one into a home server. I have ordered a copy of Windows Home Server on the way, but was going to set up the computer as an online file server in the meantime. I followed a tutorial online but could not get the server to work as desired.

After doing some troubleshooting, I think I have the problem narrowed down to an ISP issue. Since I live in an apartment complex, the internet enters my unit through an ethernet port so I do not have access to the ISP's modem/router on the other side. I think the necessary ports for file transfer must be blocked on their equipment. I called up ISP tech support, and when I started throwing out terms like "port" and "forwarding", they acted like I was speaking a foreign language. Needless to say, that was a waste of time.

At this point I think I am left with pretty much one option (unless anyone has any other suggestions?), which involves using some sort of online service/software. I was able to find one at . It basically connects two or more computers together and allows files to be transferred between them via the internet. (read here: They have a 30 day free trial and from what I could tell it worked just as described without any problems. However, I was just curious to see if anyone knew of similar programs that would accomplish the same thing. I know about GoToMyPC but that is $15/month whereas the program I found it is a one time fee of $30. Big difference. I just need to be able to transfer files and don't want to pay for a lot of extra features I will never use.
How much data are we talking about? There are online file storage services (I've seen commercials for "Mozy" more times than any other), plus others that you've found. Something like Hamatchi may even be appropriate.

I'm assuming that you would not have access (or even the right) to change any firewall settings in your apartment complex. But if this is a significant need, then is anything stopping you from getting your own ISP service?
#1 - not all ISP's allow the use of services on their network (ie, ftp, http, etc), so they may not even (technically) allow you to setup any kind of file serving system. So chances of them helping you are slim to none.

#2 - if you receive an internal IP address (non-routable, ie 192.168.x.y, 10.x.y.z, etc), then you will require port forwarding which won't happen.

#3 - hamachi is another alternative, although I have no personal experience with it, there are many posts around the boards here on it.
How much data are we talking about? There are online file storage services (I've seen commercials for "Mozy" more times than any other), plus others that you've found. Something like Hamatchi may even be appropriate.

I'm assuming that you would not have access (or even the right) to change any firewall settings in your apartment complex. But if this is a significant need, then is anything stopping you from getting your own ISP service?

Total data is close to 2TB. I mainly want to be able to download movies or tv shows while traveling so file size will be around 700MB on average. Right now, I can't change any firewall settings since I don't know the username and password for the device on the other end. When you say getting my own ISP service, do you mean switching providers?

#1 - not all ISP's allow the use of services on their network (ie, ftp, http, etc), so they may not even (technically) allow you to setup any kind of file serving system. So chances of them helping you are slim to none.

#2 - if you receive an internal IP address (non-routable, ie 192.168.x.y, 10.x.y.z, etc), then you will require port forwarding which won't happen.

#3 - hamachi is another alternative, although I have no personal experience with it, there are many posts around the boards here on it.

When I do ipconfig, I get an ip address of, which is not the same as my external ip. I have no idea what sort of device I am connected to.

I'll look into Hamachi and report back.
When you say getting my own ISP service, do you mean switching providers?
Your apartment complex is including internet access with their monthly rent, right? If so, then you have to play by their rules. I suggest contacting a cable or DSL internet provider, and subscribing for you own internet service. That way, you setup the network and any rules that you need because it would be your internet service.

If that cost is too high, then you'll have to find other approaches that are possible and accepted within the apartment owner's rules for their internet connection.