file sharing doesn't quite work. please help!


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2002
I have a d-link wireless router with 3 computers hooked up to it. they all are able to connect to the internet. 2 are connected by cat5 and 1 is connected wirelessly. I set all computers to have a shared documents folder but only the wired computers have the shared folder working. the one connected wirelessly doesn't show up on the other 2 computers.

EDIT: Also, the one that I use to connect wirelessly does not connect when I hook it up with an ethernet cable. What's the dealio?

any ideas?

You want to try a few things. Make sure they're all on the same workgroup. If you're using any type of firewall product, turn it off and see if you can connect then. Try using ip address instead of hostnames to connect. Ex. \\ instead of \\hostname
What OS are you using? How do you have your files shared (permissions wise)?
I have tried sharing various folders. I have windows XP. I have tried turning down all the firewalls. All the computers are on the same workplace.

When I go to my network place on this third computer it doesn't show the shared folders of the other two computers.
If you are using windows firewall then make sure you have enabled exceptions.

You could disable simple file sharing and then add "Everyone" to the permissions of the folder.
Change the laptop to a different workgroup and then change it back, I've seen computers act screwy like that and resetting that sometimes works.

Spacekeeter made a few good suggestions, make sure you tried what he said.
Well, the first thing you should try is to ping each computer from every other computer, that way you can see which computers can see which. Sometimes one can see the other, but the other can't see back.

Also, if your laptop won't connect when cabled, you can check to make sure the cable is actually working by trying it on another computer. If all the media (network card, cable, router) are all physically working, then I'd suggest reinstalling all your network drivers. If the stuff running the TCP/IP protocols is somehow damaged, which might be why it won't work wired, it could also be causing the problems with filesharing.

Also, fire up the eventlogs on the client and host computer when you're trying to establish the connection. This will reveal alot of information about what is occuring behind the scenes, and who knows, maybe it'll even tell you exactly what it is (it usually does). Most likely the problem is going to end up being an authentication issue, where one computer is offering up the wrong credentials and is being denied access, or the host computer is simply dropping the connection and the client is timing out. Either way, evenviewer will tell you. (to fire it up, go to start, run, and type in "eventvwr")
You want to try a few things. Make sure they're all on the same workgroup. If you're using any type of firewall product, turn it off and see if you can connect then. Try using ip address instead of hostnames to connect. Ex. \\ instead of \\hostname


how do I "connect" with the way you are talking about? I need a step by step please. Is this through CMD?

keep in mind, I just want to be able to share files over My Network Places. I have folders on all computers available for share. All software firewalls down. pingings successful. same workgroup. I just can't see the shared folders on other computers.

When I go to My network places -> entire network -> microsoft windows network, I can only see an icon for the computer I'm on.