FEAR won't load on Vista 64


Limp Gawd
Oct 30, 2004
The game installed fine, but when I try to run it I just get an APPCRASH.
I have admin rights to the PC and the stupid UAC is turned off.
I have tried running the game under XP compatibility mode and no dice.
My searching has been fruitless.
Anyone get it to run?

4GB 1066
HD 4850

Thanks peeps.
Do you have all critical updates and SP1? When I first installed Vista64 I looked through the critical updates and a lot of them were for 'increased compatibility and stability', heh. FEAR also works just fine for me. Do you have it patched to the latest version?
I had problems with this game getting it to run on Vista 64 also. I found a fix for it online, but can't remember where. I'll let you know if I remember what it was.
I got it running, it was my stupidity; I was running the wrong version NO-CD executable.
It is so funny how this game was one of the sweetest looking games of its time and now I have it at 1680x1050 with everything at max, 4xAA, 16AF and it isn’t all that impressive LOL.
Thanks anyways guys.