FBWF (file based write filter) for windows 7 x86

Jun 19, 2005
Hi everybody, does anyone have any experience using FBWF (file based write filter) on a existing install of Windows 7?

I have recently installed Win7 x86 on a motion tablet with a failed hardrive. Instead of plopping in a regular hardrive I went with the poor mans ssd. A adapter and 32Gb Compact Flash card later and things run great, but I would like to reduce the wear on this little CF card.

Some research pointed me toward embedded Windows, and ultimately FBWF which writes all the changes to a target drive to ram and does permanent writes when the computer shuts down (if I am not mistaken).

Has anyone done this? Can it be done to a already existing install on a CF card? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Any and all suggestions and help is welcome.
Write filters usually prevent data from being written to the disk. There may be an option to have it write at shutdown, but I'm not familiar with that type.

I've worked with a lot of thin clients that had compact flash as hard drives. These have write filters on them to prevent the data from being written (over and over) and killing the CF card. If you find a write filter that allows it to save that cache on shutdown, it should do exactly what you're looking for.
I have no previous experience using write filters or CF cards as hardrives.

Demon10000 what did you use as a write filter? Any info or advice? I dont particularly care if the filter limits writing during or after; my ultimate goal is to improve CF card life.

What you used, can it be utilized after a system has already been installed?
I used the Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) from Windows XP Embeded. And yes, it's installed after the OS is installed, not before. It hooks into the file system calls.

What I used was similar to windows steady state -- you might be able to find a copy of steady state (it's free from Microsoft) that works with Win7 and pull the write filter out of it. I'd mess around with a VM first...
Im making a note here big success!

I installed FBWF from the newest version of windows embedded. It works great, but had to do a few tweaks that I found on another forum.

Am I allowed to link to other forums without receiving wrath?