FBI Probes 4chan's DDoS Attacks

Let's see..

If the world DoS'd the FBI's website.. then I suppose that means.. YOUR ALL UNDER ARREST.

Prepare to be butt sexkcd.

Oh wait. Them and who's army? hah!
Do you understand how hard it is to track down who started a DDos attack? I believe most people here think it's just a few kids living in the US...how cute. :rolleyes:

Nobody thinks that. Instead, we all know the FBI will find one or two individual cases, destroy those kids fucking lives', then move on. The same way the RIAA/MPAA works.
my guess is they'll find one or two of the lead people involved in the attacks, slap them around a bit, and have minor blowback from the rest of the group. Anon will route around damage, someone else will lead the next one.
DDoS attack on the FBI

honestly i wouldnt care if the involved groups completely destroyed each other with this absurd quibbling. he touched my side of the car seat, mom, you'd better throw him out the fucking window...

gotta say though, regardless of how you people choose to perceive 4chan (i worded that VERY deliberately)...anonymous is fucking hilarious
It's funny people here actually think that the group doing those attacks has any power compared to the FBI. Unfortunately the government has a ton of power and money and if the government really wants something, they will get it- legally or illegally. It also doesn't help those that did those attacks either that there are many people who have no problem ratting others out.
Eh, as Weenis and others have already said, the only "hackers" (and I use the term extremely loosely) the FBI is going to get their hands on are the idiot teenagers who don't know wtf they're doing, I'm pretty sure the big fish were smart enough to cover their tracks.

Mike Masnick, founder of the blog Techdirt, wrote in September that the attacks were "dumb" and "don't make any real point."

Congratulations, you just described 4chan as a whole! :rolleyes:
They'll send 2 maybe 3 people to jail and the rest of the swarm will carry on.

Such is the hivemind that is anonymous.
I wouldn't expect Anons to attack the FBI considering operation payback supposedly ended yesterday. If an Anon with a botnet gets thrown in jail I'd expect some sort of action from 4chan then.
>Buy the lawmakers
>Write the laws

If you take away people's legal means of counteracting nonsensical laws, guess what means they'll resort to?

doesn't help when the majority of americans whining about riaa and the mpaa's tactics don't vote. guess what they can buy politicians for 4 years at a time but if they keep not getting reelected that policy isn't going to work out so well
How ridiculous. what a task to take on. i reckon it's just an excuse to for agents to troll around on /b/ and get paid for it. it's not like anyone knows anything about anyone else and asking questions on the message board will be perceived as or turned into a troll.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I wouldn't expect Anons to attack the FBI considering operation payback supposedly ended yesterday. If an Anon with a botnet gets thrown in jail I'd expect some sort of action from 4chan then.

Anonymous eats its own. They'd probably mock the offender if he was particularly stupid in covering his tracks, but they know better than to do anything to the FBI.

Now, retaliatory pizza pranks to the RIAA, on the other hand...
how was that a ddos attack? anon just wanted to visit the riaa website to find out why copyright infringement of crappy movies is bad and their servers crapped out under the load. :)
Desipe what most people are saying, these people know what they're doing, otherwise the news post would read "FBI catches some Anonymous members for poorly done DDoS attacks."

Seriously, if youre good enough to know what youre doing, youre probably good enough to get away with doing it, and Anon does what it does best.
yeah...good luck with that. You just put a target on yourself p*ssing off the anonymous group...they live for that sh*t.

LOL Anonymous? Say that again when an FBI's agent boot is kicking down the door to their server room in a raid.
the real haxin anon (especially the kind with server rooms) are behind 7 proxies. or do you think 4chan will be raided? because i dont see that helping, or even happening
LOL Anonymous? Say that again when an FBI's agent boot is kicking down the door to their server room in a raid.

Since when does Anon have a server room? They're not kicking down 4chan's door, they have nothing to do with Anon's actions.
Techdirt said:
Mike Masnick, founder of the blog Techdirt, wrote in September that the attacks were "dumb" and "don't make any real point."
Perhaps he doesn't know the meaning of the word "symbolic" or he's being intentionally literal to the point of being ridiculous.

Everyone involved in the DDoS knew that nobody bothers visiting the RIAA and MPAA websites. They were attacking a symbol and they got attention drawn to their cause without harming a single person. They hurt a corporation, but there's nothing wrong with that. The RIAA/MPAA has proven again and again that they're more than willing to destroy as many lives as the government will let them; they deserve the same respect.
If the FBI isn't already watching 4chan for the multitude of other very illegal crap going on there... I'd be very surprised.
That shouldn't be hard. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

A US agency infringing rights? Never.

'Scept essentially being the base of operations with an archive of threads instructing when and how to attack.....

First off, even the most popular threads only last an hour until they're gone for good.

Secondly, 4chanarchives isn't run by Moot, so there isn't a case there against him.

Finally, enough raid threads have been deleted by Moot and mods to provide a case against condoning actions. Moot has posted his views against raiding and attacks, he is safe. 4chan is safe, and it doesn't matter how much shit is posted on it, there is no case against him.

At best, they'll get a few idiots who weren't smart enough to get behind 7 proxxies and millions will be spent. Who wins in the end? Anonymous.