Favorite weapon in a game?

From unreal the best weapons are the biorifle and the singularity cannon from U2 (that gun was the only good thing in that whole game besides the graphics), and also the ion painter.

Otherwise TMP is the best gun ever, its the only one worth using in CS, unless you like to shoot from more than 6' away.
I like the Engineer's equipment in Battlefield 1942, particularly the M1 Garand.

I loved that one long-range Tazer in Syphon Filter that would catch guys on fire.

Lightstaff in Jedi Academy

Secondary fire on the railgun in Jedi Knight
any single shot bolt action rifle from the game medal of honor, like the russian mosin or the german mauser. in online games today people fancy the fastest firing machine gun weapon that sprays a wide field of bullets to make their unskilled gaming performance more effective for their team. one day, as i was doing this very noobish thing, someone came in and owned all of us with a mauser. from that day on i loaded the map thunder and practiced shooting the tombstones. took me like 3 months but i eventually became that skilled individual. now upon entering servers i take my trusty anvil dropper and sometimes i have good nights and sometimes i have bad nights. but for the good nights, when i own everybody that is using that damned shotgun or axis mg... oh man. killing some clan on their own server with a single shot to the head from across the map while running across a street with grenades exploding everywhere and getting accused of using a hack and banned-- I LIVE FOR THAT. just like that hardocp ad, "aimhack is a compliment." no truer words have ever been spoken in the gaming community... or typed :D
Have to Agree with the BFG for Quake 2

The Redeemer in UT as cool as well lol.
The Brain-Bore from Turok 2 was a great weapon, sent a heat seeking drill that, when it found its target, would attach to their head, drill a hole in it and then such out their brain tissue, ahh that thing was great.
asmd from unreal/ut is by far the most unique weapon in any game. That pos in 2k3 is terrible.

the cannon in serious sam always makes me chuckle when i get it. Other than that, maybe the custom stuff i just enchanted in morrowind. . ..ph3ar.
BFG from Doom and then the Redeemer in UT. They are the only guns I can really remember, so they must be the best.
The Para:Counterstrike, the most devastating weapon ever, and I mastered it.
The Landshark: Armed and Dangerous, it's a big-fuckin' sharks that eats the bad guys!
The AK: SOF2 it is the most versitle weapon in the game, the M14 is close though.
My Grizzly Bear: Yes, I mastered the Grizzly summoning spell with Diablo II's Druid. He is level 24 (maxed out plus 4 with Items) and does 1200-1400 damage, plus he has over 3500HP, I just follow his ass around and watch him kill.
Call of Duty

B.A.R. - I can snipe with that thing, it's a wonderful rifle.
Thompson - Ever need to clear out a room, that's the gun to do it with... quick and deadly.
Mosin Nagant - I just really like the iron sights for this weapon, makes it a bit easier to shoot...

Day of Defeat

KAR98 - I am a Kar whore, bar none. You place this weapon into my hands, and you're in for a world of hurt as I do not miss with this weapon. Far or short, I will hit you and you will die, guarenteed.
Enfield - Same as above. ;) While everyone complains about the Kar Whores, it does take some skill to get used to this weapon to be able to hit dead on every time.
BAR - After playing with the bar for a little while, I have discovered that I really like it. It can end up getting the job done for me, near or far.

Soldier of Fortune II

OICW - I am up to the level where I am beginning to play with this... but it seems pretty cool. It's taking me awhile to get used to the scope settings on it, but with enough time to tinker with them it gives me the ability to hit my targets without much worry. Still a work in progress mastering it though. :)
AK79 - Not a 47, but it still works for me. I'm pretty accurate with this thing, I get headshots galore and take out the enemy quickly...
M4 - Gots to love the Grenades...


AK - This is the god gun in my hands, headshots are a breeze and even if I'm close to you, you're still going to die. I go on unbeatable kill streaks with this weapon. Too bad that was in the past when I liked Counter-Strike... but now it's just Counter-Hack.
Originally posted by csims
Hmm, Worms has to be the best for creative weapons.. Concrete Donkey is just fun.

The Concrete Donkey was my favorite weapon of all time. I play WWP all the time here on my little 3 person family LAN, and nothing makes you hell obscenities at the top of your lungs more than getting hit with 40,000 tons of pure donkey power!

Besides that, I love the double-shotgun from Doom II, and the pistol from MOHAA [pistol whip!].
Lesee for the games that im currently playing...

Tie between...
Stg on single shot- call it noobish but this thing works like a charm in MP, the thing is a man killer.
M1 Garand- I'm partial to the American weapons on this game...and i love rifles so this in my natural fav.
Raven shield:
Easily a silenced G-36K or a silenced Enfield....so many kills with those guns, great fun.
For counter hack it's gotta be the IMI Galil, i dunno why but i love that cheap beast of an assualt rifle. AK-47 coming in a VERY close second. Upper chest+double tap= Head shot (well...a lot of the time)
Originally posted by Cynic86
Lesee for the games that im currently playing...

Tie between...
Stg on single shot- call it noobish but this thing works like a charm in MP, the thing is a man killer.
M1 Garand- I'm partial to the American weapons on this game...and i love rifles so this in my natural fav.
Raven shield:
Easily a silenced G-36K or a silenced Enfield....so many kills with those guns, great fun.
For counter hack it's gotta be the IMI Galil, i dunno why but i love that cheap beast of an assualt rifle. AK-47 coming in a VERY close second. Upper chest+double tap= Head shot (well...a lot of the time)

Yeah, that's why I love the AK... except I don't double tap, I aim at the chest and do a three shot burst... either the chest + neck will kill you, or it's going into the head about 85% of the time for me, which is a lot.
The GASTRUCK in Desert Combat.

Drive one of those babys into anything and EVERYBODY DIES!

Psyko M.
day of defeat: m1 carbine, bren gun
hidden and dangerous 2: silenced sten gun, delisle carbine
warcraft 3: mountain king (for khaz modan), footmen
halo: shotgun
doom (all versions): shotgun
quake (all versions: shotgun
sof1 and 2: shotgun
duke nukem: shotgun
max payne: uzis akimbo
max payne 2: dual deagles
counter-hack: ump, galil

all time: contra: spread gun
Lightsaber in JKII. ;) Very versatile, plus you can throw it and block enemy weapons with it. :p

Rail gun from VC was indeed awesome.

I can't remember the game, but there is a Shooter Flight sim where you got the AIM-9X. That thing could do a 180 and hit someone that was behind you... It was pretty nuts. ;)

Just about any sniper rifle, especially some of the sniper rifles for UT GOTY. ;) Being able to shoot someone all the way across the map and have the resulting hit create a redeemer explosion was very satisfying. ;) 'Headshot! MONSTER KILL!!!!' Besides that, the default sniper rifle in UT GOTY was my ABSOLUTE favorite weapon... I got more than 10,000 headshots with that thing in non-zoomed mode. About 90% of them were at a large distance, as well. :p I'd point and click, and prepare another shot when ti would say 'headshot'. I'd be amazed for a moment, the continue killing the poor bots/people. :p
Originally posted by Icewindius

Oh, the pipebombs and lasertrip mines in Duke Nukem 3D were an absolute gas to fuck around with in multiplayer. I still remember playing that back in High School and my nerdy ass teammate decided it would be funny to 50+ laser mines next to a spawn point in one area. Lucky me, I spawned right into the middle of it, the resulting explosion locked up and crashed the server. My friends were not amused with him

Thats nothing. Put them inside cabinets where ammo and weapons are, then quickly close the cabinets. Opponents go to get better weapons, boom, they are dead...
Hitman: Piano wire
Hitman 2: Silenced ballers, silenced baretta
NOLF: Mcallister silenced pistol
Raven shield: MP5 10mm silenced
Armed and Dangerous: Shark gun and Black hole in a Box
Ghost Recon: OCIW
RTCW: Silenced Sten gun
Doom's original shotgun
Shrink ray, Duke 3D
Pipe bombs, Duke 3D
Flare gun, Blood
Sawed-Off shotgun, Blood
Dynamite bundle, Blood
spray can + lighter, Blood
voodoo doll, Blood
BFG, Quake2
Minigun, Turok
Cerebral Bore, Turok2
Sigurd’s Axe, Rune
Rogue Spear : the silenced MP5

CoD: M1 Garand simply the best rifle ever made.

CS: the AWP the most accurate weapon ever you can snipe someone with it at 1000 meters unzoomed and get a headshot everytime..............of course i am kidding.
I still think the q2 railgun is awesome

That's my vote. Nothing was more satisfying to me than to hear the telltale ping of the railgun firing, followed closly by the detonation of a nearby player.
Quake 2: Reckoning Mission Pack...the gun that turned enemies into food pellets.

That...or Quake 2's Hyperblaster.
Any dragon + the bat in Adventure (Atari 2600!)

Dragon eats square (you), bat picks up dragon with dead square and flies you around all the levels. Even if you're dead you can control where the bat flies.

Great cleave w/any wep. in NWN.

Rocket launcher + jump in QII.

Machine gun in Beachhead (C64).. "Medic!"
doom2, super shotgun
007 goldeneye, magnum or golden gun.
Mine is the crossbow from Half-Life. Just thinking about zooming in on an unsuspecting prey an then 'whoop' they're dead :p

Simple, effective.

The only other one I can think of that is quite as cool is the lightning bolt in Super Mario Kart. Simple, Effective.
-Halo (Xbox and PC versions)

With enough pistol rounds I could take out ANYTHING in that game. It was especially lethal in multiplayer. :D
I'm going with the AWP...seriously. Nothing is more satisfying than amazing yourself as you quick scope someone running across your screen point blank or forcing someone to pay the ultimate price for peeking. Although, as a friend of mine said, "nothing says owned like a red shell."