Favorite multiplayer game?

bf1942, no multiplayer shooter has kept my intrest for this long. So many good mods, too.
You only started the thread 15 minutes ago.
Right now I'm kinda hooked on Raven Shield. But for hours logged Unreal 1 takes the cake.
Hmmmn. Probably still Call Of Duty: United Offensive. I've been firing up UT2K4 more than usual for me lately though.
I think when BF2 comes out that will be my new MP game if it's everything it sounds like it's going to be.
For most hours... Halo PC... :rolleyes: Can't stand it nowadays.

CS: Source is my new favorite since about Christmas-time.
Tough to say. I don't think I can pick an all-time favorite since it changes with my mood.

Pigskin Footbrawl (Sega Genesis)
Soul Calibur 1 and 2
C&C: Red Alert
Burnout 3
Age of Empires
Age of Empires 2
Quake 3 Arena (OSP TDM mostly)
Neverwinter Nights
My number #1 favorite is the first Tribes. I could play that game for hours back on 56k.
CS/CS:S...SOF2....Q3A...Unreal 2k3/4....Starcraft...and I have a sneaking suspicion when I start WoW, I will disappear from life for a while :/
Probably Goldeneye. That or Dr. Mario. I don't care what anyone says... Far Cry multi rips too. Sneaking around in that lush environment is the closest you can get to a sweet vacation with guns.
The original UT.. Still play it, and seldom have any difficulty finding a populated server to commence getting myself slaughtered on..
The original Unreal Tournament.

No game can I keep going back to play multiplayer more than I do with this game. It still rocks even today. Best multiplayer deathmatch ever.